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Motorhome security roof lettering


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Could any one give their thoughts on roof identification lettering ie registration number of vehicle, and if they think there could be possible disadvantages with it. I know that it may not be wise to show post codes, for obvious reasons, when away in the van, but stolen motorhomes are on the increase and anything that may help the police, from the air, particulary if the reg plates have been changed. chas (^)
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Not really thought too much about this, alhtough have seen the ads for the product. However, cannot see any problem if using the origianl Reg of the motorhome, though whether the police really have time to look out for such vehicles could be a different matter.

Perhaps some of the forum memebrs may have greater info on this aspect?

Postcodes - well, maybe, but only the first part.....our last propoerty was one of only 2 in the specific suffix on our code!

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Guest peter
Good idea. Can be seen by Helicopter and motorway bridges Etc. Thinking of doing it myself. Getting local PVC sign firm to make in 250mm high letters . Shouldn't be more than about £20 or even less, as the cost of these decals has come right down with the advent of computorised systems.
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peter - 2007-03-29 10:09 PM


Good idea. Can be seen by Helicopter and motorway bridges Etc. Thinking of doing it myself. Getting local PVC sign firm to make in 250mm high letters . Shouldn't be more than about £20 or even less, as the cost of these decals has come right down with the advent of computorised systems.


I'm sure there have been/are adverts in MMM etc for these, and from memory thought to the whole fo teh Reg no, worked out at less than £10.

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not a bad idea, if the thief doesn't know the reg is on the roof! i'm sure that once the thief finds out its up there, a can of spray paint would cover it in about 5 mins,tops. Its guaranteed though, that only one thief would be caught before the word got out and everyone would know to check the roof. I would think that most vans are stolen by the so-called professional thief who would know to check. Having said all that, for a few quid its worth it. My brother is a sprayer so me thinks i'll ask him to spray my roof reg for me. It can only help further in the fight against motor vehicle theft

take care

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Still on the subject of security of motorhomes, what about having your registration number etched on the windows, usually costs about £10.00. I really can't see that any thief would be able to replace all the windows/ glass - not as obvious as big sticky letters on the roof but on the ground if the Police spot a van matching your description it wouldn't take them too long to establish if the registratipn number matched the vehicle.
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Guest starspirit

Why not put a large message on the back of the van to the effect that the roof has the reg no on it?

How many van thieves have time to get a can of paint, climb on the roof and spray roller or brush the coats of paint needed to cover black on white - especially if your van does not have a ladder?

Perhaps they will then go next door and pinch your neighbour's van instead?

Objective achieved.

Come to that just the message on the back of the van might be enough of a deterrent?

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I have thought about this in the past but not done it yet. I have put the registraion number on the vehicle in several places that a thief would not see immediately. they might if they took some time looking around but would they find all of them. I know where they are and could soon let the police know where.

It will not stop it being stolen, but will help in the identity of it.


If the reg was on the roof in plastic letters, even if spray covered it would possible still show an outline.


Etched glass and windows is good detterent. Also how about the reg number hidden in several places inside the vehicle, only just thought about that, now thers a job for tomorrow.



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I would have thought that the roof lettering would be most valuable in the first few hours of the theft, when of course the police would have been notified of its roof lettering. From what I have read many caravans and motorhomes are parked up in fields ready to be shipped to say Ireland ect, also many motorhomes now have hidden etching inside the build of the van, mine as its called Minder, with a sticker on the screen saying so, and the police can trace the owner from that, they have knowledge of where to look. Perhaps a Clutchclaw and Disklok would also slow down the adverage low life. chas
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mark lambert - 2007-03-30 9:19 AM


not a bad idea, if the thief doesn't know the reg is on the roof! i'm sure that once the thief finds out its up there, a can of spray paint would cover it in about 5 mins,tops. Its guaranteed though, that only one thief would be caught before the word got out and everyone would know to check the roof. I would think that most vans are stolen by the so-called professional thief who would know to check. Having said all that, for a few quid its worth it. My brother is a sprayer so me thinks i'll ask him to spray my roof reg for me. It can only help further in the fight against motor vehicle theft

take care[/quote ]Some]people with caravans have been doing this for a few years now! I think the object is for the police to catch them as quick as possible after the vehicle has been stolen I cant see a thief taking the time to paint the top of the van before he drives away Can You?

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And if the police notify their local "Skywatch" group - a network of private pilots who assist the emergency services - there is a chance that the vehicle will be spotted parked up or on route to being parked prior to disposal. Participating pilots will maintain a look out for the marked vehicle during routine flights and in some areas they are sufficiently well-organised to conduct a detailed search if requested to do so by the police.


I recall reading about just such an operation where several vehicles, including one with the reg on the roof was found by a member of the scheme, but I can't put my hand on the mag it was in. If I find it I'll post more info.




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Guest starspirit
Don't let them catch you telling porkies or you will have had your bacon and could end up scratching around in the pen until market day which would be a real boar/bore.
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Well, call me a cynic, but somehow the idea of the police launching their chopper when a report of a stolen motorhome cames in seems a bit optimistic.  If you knew it had been nicked within say, the previous 5 minutes, even better if you knew the route taken, they might jump to it.  Otherwise, if it was maybe 15 minutes or more, how many roads/routes might have been taken?  Even at 30MPH you could cover 7 miles.  Try drawing a seven mile circle around your home on a map, and look at the potential search area.

It might make it easier for a dealer if he'd been offered the van in p/x, assuming a duplicate V5 had been issued, but if he'd already taken it into stock before he discovered the mismatch between plates and roof inscription, I wonder what he'd do?  You don't think he'd peel off the roof letters, instead of just taking the loss, do you?

It's a nice idea, but not that many vans are, in reality, stolen and not that many police searches ensue, so in truth, I doubt if it is really worth even the modest cost and effort involved.  Sad, cynical, old Git, ain't I?

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I think it would take exceptional circumstances for the police to launch an aircraft specially. However, I have seen comments from police officers who fly in such aircraft, on forums such as this one, to the effect that if they know of a stolen vehicle carrying roof identification then they will keep an eye out for it when they are "up there".


The stickers that come with the lettering are a detterent of sorts - in the same way as (e.g.) a steering wheel bar - which might make the potential thief move on to the next guy's vehicle. Maybe that last bit displays my cynical attitude :-S



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