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Comfort Insurance


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That time of year again !! Van insurance from Safeguard arrived for £433 including European break down etc so on to the phone. It seems more and more companies are insisting on a Tracker sytem if your vehicle is over £40 k but having spent £670 odd on a Van Bitz Strikeback alarm fitted on my van last April when new,I refuse to cough up another £500 and an annual fee !

But Comfort have given me a quote of £280 for what appears to cover exactly the same as Safeguard and no Tracker for either company. £150 pays for a lot of red wine !!!

Anybody recommend Comfort Insurance or had a bad experience ?



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I've had them for two years, but not needed to claim so far, so can't comment on that side of things.  However, they are responsive and pleasant to deal with, and you generally get to speak to someone who knows what they doing, and not just the proverbial call centre.

If you insure a car as well, look at the option to have two independently insured vehicles on a shared breakdown package.  This makes two insurances even better value than if you had a breakdown package for each vehicle.

Nice clear documentation all from Norwich Union, and the breakdown cover is written into the insurance document, so only one document to take with you. 

Comfort will also do you a health insurance, and home/contents insurance, all with Norwich, that make a fully co-ordinated suite of insurances, so that whatever period of absence from home you decide you want to cover is common to all the insurances.  Seems fairly loophole free, and makes for peace of mind while away.

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I used to insure the motorhome with Comfort but its now on my business insurance. Back in the nineties a friend of mine who'se 'van was insured with Comfort had the misfortune to be side swiped by a juggernaut while holidaying in France. The accident took the complete side out of the coachbuilt body.


One phone call to Comfort later they were waiting for a recovery turck which arrived in less than an hour, took them to their campsite where they loaded up all their bits,'n bobs and they were off. The recovery truck loaded onto the ferry at Calais and they were met by a UK recovery truck in Dover. Everything was transferred and they were off again.


When the y arrived home they unloaded their goods and chattels from the sad looking motorhome which was then taken directly to a repair company.


In less than 36 hours from the accident occurring he, his wife and their two children were returned to home with all their belongings and the motorhome taken to a repairer. It did take several months for the repair but then it was extensive damage and a borderline write off.



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Dave Newell - 2007-03-31 7:31 PM


I used to insure the motorhome with Comfort but its now on my business insurance.



And what kind of busineess forced you to move your insurance dave? goin by yer picture, me ansone, its a bit of doggin!


mines with farmers union, they understands mud and wet grass. they even knew what a a-class was, better than sum i phoned.



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Guest peter
We use them for our Rapido about £220. It's underwritten by Norwich Union and not some mickey mouse syndicate so has to be good.
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sshortcircuit - 2007-04-01 9:21 PM Did a quote on line with Comfort tonight £90 dearer than SAGA

Well, that's online quotes for you!  Seriously, I'd phone both, and get written quotes plus sample insurance contracts from both.  Then sit down and read the docs side by side.  You may get a surprise! 

Also, do remember that it is the bolt on RAC European breakdown cover that often gives Comfort a price advantage.  It is when you add in the cost of breakdown cover (and look carefully for restrictions on vehicle size or age) to the basic insurance cost, that you get a true, apples with apples, comparison.

Good luck.

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fred grant - 2007-03-31 8:58 PM


Dave Newell - 2007-03-31 7:31 PM


I used to insure the motorhome with Comfort but its now on my business insurance.



And what kind of busineess forced you to move your insurance dave? goin by yer picture, me ansone, its a bit of doggin!


mines with farmers union, they understands mud and wet grass. they even knew what a a-class was, better than sum i phoned.




Hi Fred, I wasn't forced to switch the motorhome insurance but as my business is based around motorhomes and I needed to have a motor traders insurance policy it made sense to have the motorhome covered by the business policy. They give me the same full cover that I previously had with Comfort.



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just shopped around extensively for insurance, settled with caravan guard £288, another £50 including breakdown for europe, this you can add at anytime over the phone, this also covers breakdown within the uk (1 mile from home), the underwriters are equity red star.

my previouse insurer (of 30 years) wanted £495 for the same cover.

the dearest quote was norwich union £600(whoose making who happy?)

the average was £350, some wouldnt consider my van because its parked on the road,(nfu) i think.


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Hello to everyone in this thread,


I do not usually buy Which Motorcaravan as I am not in the market for another one. But the April copy and its cover story and its extensive investigation into M/H insurance by an ex researcher from Top Gear is an eye opener and well worth obtaining while still in print.


I have been ripped off both by my Broker and Norwich Union in the past and Mr Dredge has made it easy to obtain a number of quotes via email and I shall be doing a mail-shot to a dozen or more of his better starred companies. I shall sift out the best prospects on their return and then follow Brian's advice and revert to 'snail mail' for the small-print.


I recommend that you all obtain a copy and keep the article for reference even if it is too late for this year.


Incidentally, Comfort Insurance was 10 out of 10 and named WMC Insurance Provider for 2007.


Regards to all, Mike

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The one point I would make regarding insurance is don't just go on price. Its probably better to pay a bit more and be safe in the knowledge that should it all go pear shaped while you're away on holiday your insurance company will sort it quickly and easily. There's little point saving £40 (or whatever) only to find that when you need them they're not the most helpful.



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