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using electric bikes


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We have had two LA electric bikes for about 4 years and they have been brilliant even if you were fit they would still be useful as you ride further than normal with ease ours are pedal assist so you are still having valuable exercise.
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I read the letter in MMM and whilst being very pleased for those who feel thay are now able to access cycle tracks and towpaths on electrical cycles,could i point out,my understanding, that Sustrans and subsequent use of Towpaths (www.Waterscape.com) are really only for pedalled (un assisted) vehicles or pedestrians.Those two groups are already under formidable seige from motorised vehicles on our jointly owned highway system.Do you remember when paths were for walkers not road vehicles?


Whilst i am unlikely to be phased by old codgers (Im 70) enjoying a power assisted day out i always tend to look on the dark side and see 'yoof' on their motorised and noisy scooters chasing me along cycletracks with the claim 'If 'em olduns can so can we 'Cycles are allowed on Bridleways but not footpaths.


Ido not know which rules operate on other lands


So carry on by all means..... but be aware.


You might just meet ....


The Wizard of Curmudgeon.

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Hi, I am also a great convert to the Giant La free Bike had mine 3 years and motorhomeing would not be the same with out it, and as for useing them on the cycle ways the La free bike looks exactly the same as a normal cycle with a very discreet battery tucked away, and they need to be peddled at all times and most of the younger cyclist go flying past me anyway on cycle ways so there really is no problem there, so I say go for it treat yourself you wont be sorry. Carol.
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