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Covid restrictions


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My thoughts are that we will be restricted to UK travel as things don't look too good on the continent - and the UK will therefore be overcrowded.


So, not feeling very hopeful about using the motorhome much this summer.


As it's the first major world pandemic in a time when so many people take travelling for granted , and there is no precedent to indicate how things are likely to work out, crossing our fingers is about all we can do.




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My MH is a business registered vehicle (utterly appalling insurance rates) and I have clients all over Europe that need specific rural site visits either for safety inspection of existing facilities we built, or new clients that require site surveys before consultative design (usually under a non disclosure clause to hide their economic aspirations from would-be competitors). Thus my reasons are totally legit for travelling because my company does not exist in a vacuum and smart entrepreneurs still have dreams, post COVID.. Problems arise when I take my wife and my cat on a series of business appointments over several weeks in several countries. The aggression I encounter at the UK/French border is appalling with complete incomprehension about what constitutes legitimate business with someone travelling with their cat. The wife as potential concubine is kinda OK but the cat!! I desperately need my second injection to travel to Malaysia where I have two businesses in severe stress in my absence and now I read a 5000,00 pound fine for "non essential travel". Who decides and how is it vetted? My situation is one of chaos, everywhere, as we die economically, day by day.
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It will be like the end of the first lock-down, an F1 starting grid, it will be a nightmare to travel and camp anywhere in the UK. I am lucky i suppose in that my MH is parked on the drive and is small (short) enough to fit in a non height barrier car-park, so is used once every other week for essential shopping, If we go away, not making any plans until at least Sept/Oct when it all calms down.
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Hi, I was hoping not expecting to go to the Le Mans Classic at the beginning of July, have just had notification it’s been postponed for another year due to Covid. UK trips this year if I can find somewhere to stay is the best to hope for

Regards David

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