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France travel


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Just read the gov advice on travel and they say that avoid boloigne 22-24 April as the french are stopping our fish imports again, As a lover of france for most of my life I am wondering if I will ever bother going there again, I also have a rifle bullet hole in my Burstner that was done by yellow coats when we drove by in 2019 . I have no way of repairing it . Fesspark.
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The latest gov.uk France-travel advice can be found here




This includes the following statement




Still current at: 24 April 2021 Updated: 21 April 2021 Latest update:

There are reports of direct action to disrupt the flow of UK fish exports at Boulogne port on 22 and 23 April; if in the area, please follow advice from local authorities.


(Presumably whatever ‘direct action’ there was is now over...)


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I think it may also be helpful to add this from the government's same foreign travel advice:


Coronavirus (COVID-19) travel


It is illegal to travel abroad from the UK for holidays. Follow current COVID-19 rules where you live: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.


In England, you must have a permitted reason to travel abroad and complete the declaration form.


Some countries have closed borders, and any country may further restrict travel or bring in new social distancing rules with little warning. Check our advice for each country you will visit or transit through.


When you return, follow the rules to enter the UK from abroad (except from Ireland). Those rules can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/5h2mt8bw


It goes without saying that the situation in both UK and elsewhere is fluid, and that any foreign travel, to more or less any country accessible by motorhome, carries considerable risks, both in terms of personal health and safety, but also in terms of finding accommodation, of one's possible reception in countries where Covid is more prevalent, of the potential for local prevalence to change, and for the potential for hitherto unidentified variants to emerge - any/all of which factors might impact ones ability to remain, to travel freely, and/or to return to the UK, and to what restrictions might then apply on return.


Even after restrictions are (hopefully!) relaxed, it would be wise (very wise!) to check carefully one's health insurance cover with the provider, as many providers have curtailed or withdrawn at least parts of their cover.

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As I said once before it’s not what you take with you, its what you may bring back. For myself I think it highly unlikely that we will be traveling to France this year. Better to wait and be safe than rush and be sorry. We were in France for nearly 15 months, and did not find any animosity from where we were, most of the time people seemed to be glad to see us. We followed all the rules and kept away from crowded area. But when we went to Germany it was enlightening some of the towns there was no social distancing at all so some of the places we just turned and left. We spent a lot of the time isolating in our cottage but managed a few trips away as and when restrictions allowed. But we will have to wait and see.


On a lighter note had our second jab yesterday, and woke up the right side of the grass today. Take care keep safe all.

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At he present time we are in lock down we cannot travel more than 10ks from our our home except for valid reasons also there is a curfew at night https://www.gouvernement.fr/en/coronavirus-covid-19 we expect these measures to change shortly

Use google to translate the latest


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