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Problems with water system

Guest David Collins

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Guest David Collins
I drained the internal tank over the winter as we had an unpleasant tast which I couldn't eradicate. When I checked the pipes inside the tank I managed to snap off the 'filter' on the end of the pipe. Having faied to get a replacement filter housing I decided to just replace the pipe inside the tank for the time being so as to have a tap working, I spent the whole evening trying to get the water up, occassionaly the pressure bottle would fill but when the taps were opened this drained and refused to refill, even though the pump was working. Do you think it is just a weak pump not having enough suck to get the water or could it be the water draining back or lastly, is it just a matter of getting all the air out of the system. What I do not understand is that if i remove the pipe from the tank to the inlet side of the pump, no water is coming out, I would have thought this at least would be full, this is why i wonder if it is just draining back and the pump is on its last legs. I think the original filter housing had some sort of one way valve on it, perhaps this is to stop the water going back. Any thoughts would be appreciated, i am getting just a little 'tense' regards David
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Guest David Powell
Hi David...As you have not found a fault in the plumbing, and have not reported a leak, and you can hear the pump running, and the tank is full, my "guess" is:- you need a new pump or there is a blockage somewhere. When you took the pipe off from the tank to the inlet side of the pump, you had no water running out, but was that not out of the pump? or not out of the tank? If no water ran out of both, have you considered a blockage in the pipe between the tank and the pump? Dare I ask? is there any water in tank? I am assuming the your pump is level or lower than the bottom of your tank. Just a few things I would look at if it were mine. Good luck with your investigations, and hope someone comes up with the answer to your worries .
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Guest Derek Uzzell
If your Weinsberg's water-system was working OK before you broke off the 'filter', it's logical that this is the reason for your current problem, particularly if a one-way valve was incorporated. Difficult to advise without seeing the system - diaphragm water-pumps (which I am assuming your 'van has) can normally lift water a considerable height and don't usually need a non-return valve between pump and tank. As David suggests, you may need a new pump.
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