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How many vans make 5


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For our recent trip we picked a C & CC site for our first two nights followed by two CS 5 van sites.

Location 1 - was a C & CC site and as you'd expect was very busy.  We were a tad put out to discover that the two caravans next to us were together and seemed to have been a magnet for anyone in their family who owned a car.

At one stage the two families were joined by three other cars each containing a variety of grown-ups and children.

The view resembled something out of Wagon Train with the people and barking dogs surrounded by lawn chairs.

At least, we told ourselves, we'll be at two 5 van CS locations for the rest of our trip.

Location 2 - was a CS that we drove past because of the number of vehicles in the field.  Having followed the instructions again we realised this was the correct place and when we entered the previously booked site, a head count made us number NINE.

Of the nine outfits , seven of them were from the same family . . . back to Wagon Train but better behaved.

Location 3 - was another 5 van CS location you were in the process of disgorging the RALLY.  A look in the book confirmed we were in a 5 van site but apparently the other side of a 3 ft picket fence was the 'real' fully-fledged camp site.

We've never been with the C & CC before but have used many CC CL's where 5 = 5.  Whereas the C & CC seem to think it's OK to call a site a CS as long as there is an area set aside for just 5 vans.  This makes finding the genuine 5 van sites difficult to find.

Our second site said 5 vans, 5 hard standings yet nine of us were parked on the grass!

Has anyone else come across this before or are we approaching this incorrectly?

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Caravan rallies and Meets.

Each year you have to send in a copy of your rally program and these are passed on to DEFRA so they know where you are using the C.C. or C & C.C. exemption certificate.

C.C. Centres and C & C.C. D.A's have to fly the recognised Centre/DA flag when ever they are using the Club's exemption certificate. This shows that the Rally/Meet is using a Club's Exemption Certificate. The pennants are on record with DEFRA.


5 Van Sites

There is only one exemption certificate belonging to each club eg C.C. or C & C.C.. It allows members to rally, CL owners to have 5 van sites, and the Club to have Club Sites. If it was to be lost through misuse a club could no longer caravan.


Those who have more than five vans on a CL site risk this Exemption Certificate.



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We use a CC CL, won't name it as it is an easy way to visit the wifes mother.


It has 5 nicely set out hardstandings, but most times we go, there are the 5 hardstandings being used with us on one, with anywhere from 3-6 other vans around on the grass that appear to be workers in the area staying in there caravans.

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er . . . thank you for the explanation JohnP.

My point really was that when you flick through a club book and pick a 5 van site I would expect to see a maximum of four other vans when I turned up.

The 5 van rule appears to work with the CC CL network but the C & CC CS network 'seems' to play by different rules.

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We use C&CC CSs alot. We always choose ones with the H symbol in the book, showing that they are "hideaway, small and/or secluded' which suits us perfectly.


The other thing we do is ring ahead to make sure there's space, but you could add the question about how many are already there at that point (which I think we might do now, hearing about your experiences).



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Hi way2go


I'm sure there are lots of examples where the rules are broken by CL/CS owners who flout them simply to bring in the extra cash.


Unfortunately, unless you wish to take issue with the site owner when you arrive, the only course of action is to report it to the club who, I am sure, will take a dim view of the practice. - especially as it jeopardises the clubs' position with the local authority.


It does seem a little harsh but then that is one of the primary reasons we pay our club fees - and you can bet your bottom dollar that many of the 'additional' family members in your examples were not C&CC members.


Regards< David

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Thanks for the inputs, much appreciated.  We don't really want to report the owners because they seem like nice people and as long as it's quiet that's fine.

We don't want or need swimming pools, bars, restaurants and all the stuff you need to amuse kids.  We just want to go into (and be part of) the countryside with long walks and cycle tracks whilst listening to the birds and not screaming children, loud music or barking dogs.  We appreciate that we are offending some people's ears by NOT having a barking dog or screaming child or producing silence from our radio and fully understand why they should need to redress the balance.

Yes we know we are now unpopular with some here and yes we know we can (and do) stay on Adult Only sites but we were kinda hoping that the C & CC CS sites were going to be just that.

Thanks for the tip about the 'H', we'll have a look for some.

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We've stayed at a few CC CL sites in our time where there have been more than 5 vans. Not a major problem, however, by these CL's doing this they more than likely actually taking business away from other CL owners and the consequence of that could be that the other CLs don't get enough business and have to close, this then puts even more pressure on the other CLs.


Having been to one CL which had another 'camping area' next to the lovely CL bit, we were duly plonked on the 'camping area' bit in amongst at least another 30 vans!!! No mention had been made of this when booking. With no other place to go we had no choice but to stay put but it was sheer hell and we left the following day when the owner was extremely obnoxious and threatening, eventually with the Police being called .... but that is another story (and waste of time). I did report it to the CC but they didn't give a toss, they were more concerned with 'protecting' the CL owner than taking a paying member's complaint seriously. I must stress, however, that this is the ONLY time we have ever had a problem on a CL due to the attitude of the owner, they are normally very nice friendly people.


So, back to the point, yes it's nice to find a good CL and be able to use it when you want to, rather than to be told it's full, but first just think of all the poor other CL owners who suffer because of it. Not really fair is it? 8-)

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Hi Way2go, I think that most people who use this forum would agree that what you thought you signed up for when you joined the CC & CCC is quality sites inc cs/cl's well run and managed and forgive me if it offends, away from the great unwashed.


I personaly would not be interested in any site containing loud music, loud dogs/kids or anybody who cant have consideration for thier neighbours. If this makes me sound like a boring old fart thats fine by me but there is a time and a place for everything.


Having spent a bank holiday weekend on a commercial site, in with the afore mentioned unwashed who thought it was a great idea to start a party at midnight along with a bonfire which came very close to burning all the tents/ vans squashed into too small an area, thank goodness for the 6m rule (CC/ CCC sites).


For anybody who's interested I have kids and 2 dogs a shaved head and (many) tattoo's I may look like the great unwashed but I don't have to act like them!



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oorgiz - 2007-04-11 9:53 PM . . . who thought it was a great idea to start a party at midnight along with a bonfire which came very close to burning all the tents/ vans squashed into too small an area, thank goodness for the 6m rule (CC/ CCC sites).

Awww, that sounds dreadful.  It reminded me of an event temporary site we stayed at last year in a friends caravan.  The owners thought a Karaoke evening going on till 2am was a good earner from the bar takings.  Despite them being two fields away it sounded like they were sat in our awning!

oorgiz - 2007-04-11 9:53 PM . . . for anybody who's interested I have kids and 2 dogs a shaved head and (many) tattoo's I may look like the great unwashed but I don't have to act like them!

Well said Oorgiz, appearances can be deceptive.  We hope you have a quieter and safer trip next time :-)

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Just a small point I have a CS next to our home and aswell as being allowed five caravans/motorhomes/trailer tents or any combination of same, but limited to a maximum number of five units I am also allowed an unlimited number of tents.


This however is not very likely as we have no toilet/washing facilities just the required waste disposal and water taps.


Regards Pat

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I haven't ever experienced the problems mentioned here, but we do not 'book' sites; well, with a couple of rare exceptions and we have never booked a cl/cs. We go off in our 'van and take pot luck there is a vacancy on a Club site, cl/cs or C&CC 'Temporary Holiday Site' or 'weekend meet' and usually only book in on arrival for one night and if we don't like it we move on......... the freedom of the 'motorhome way'. :-D



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Harvey - 2007-04-12 9:00 AM . . . we do not 'book' sites . . . and if we don't like it we move on . . . the freedom of the 'motorhome way'. :-D Harvey

Good points Harvey and something we will do I'm sure, it's just that for our first trip away it seemed a less stressful way of doing things.  

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