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Toilet casette when not using for a couple of weeks


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Very new to this so apologies if this is a basic question but we need to empty the casette and probably won’t be using it for about 2 weeks.


Should we refill it with water/chemicals and it’s fine to use in 2 weeks, fill with water/chemicals and then change chemicals again before we go away or should we just clean cassette and leave it empty until we go away?


Secondly, if we should leave it empty, is it ok to pour the chems and water in from the top of do we need to remove the casette to put new chems and water in?



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1. Leave cassette empty until you next go away.


2. Remove empty cassette from its locker and then pour chemicals and water into the cassette through its filling/emptying spout.


Assuming that your toilet is a Thetford product, if you do not have a user manual for it you should be able to download one from here



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We replace the empty toilet cassette with some blue concentrate in it, even if the MH will not be used for some time, and no harm seems to have been done. The blue stuff also seems to do it’s stuff as soon as the toilet is used again and water is flushed into it. Likewise we store our spare cassette rinsed out and with a bit of blue added and that seems to survive well enough.
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We only use liquid biological laundry fluid in our cassette- cheap as chips from Aldi/ Lidl. Does the job for no 1's and 2's as long as you empty regularly. (puns intended)

And it smells nicer too!

At the end of a trip we always rinse out the cassette with water, then add eg half a litre water plus a slug of laundry fluid ready for the next trip.


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laimeduck - 2021-07-25 3:04 PM


We only use liquid biological laundry fluid in our cassette- cheap as chips from Aldi/ Lidl. Does the job for no 1's and 2's as long as you empty regularly. (puns intended)

And it smells nicer too!

At the end of a trip we always rinse out the cassette with water, then add eg half a litre water plus a slug of laundry fluid ready for the next trip.

Plus one. This is the routine we have used for years.


One advantage we noticed after we adopted this product, was its ability to cleanse the cassette of the calcium/urea hard deposits that used to build up in the cassette. A task we previously had to buy and treat it with, a cassette cleaner, when using Thetford's own blue.

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I keep mine empty with a splash of Zoflora disinfectant in it. About a teaspoon full of Secret Garden which is anti bacterial etc. Lovely smell. A bottle lasts for years.


The added benefit is that I also (as suggested) keep the flap open a tiny amount to avoid sticking seals and the perfume wafts through the whole van.




Periodically I clean the tank by soaking full of water and bio washing tab, resting it in all planes for a period interspersed with a good shake. Helps with the limescale, although you can’t beat getting your arm in with a stiff brush!



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Blue toilet fluid is frequently enviromentally unfriendly. The use of such substances should be avoided.


I remember talking to the proprietor of a holiday site in South West Scotland. Normal toilet waste etc was treated in reed beds on site. He had to provide a special holding tank for toilet waste that included "blue" fluid. His local sewage works would not accept this waste, and he had to use a specialist contractor from Glasgow, 150 miles away. Definately not green!


I have never understood why there is a recommendation to charge the cassette via its emptying spout. This requires the cassette to be balanced on its side or end. My choice is, with the cassette still removed from the vehicle, to pull back the sliding cover flap, and open the valve by turning the operating knob. I am then presented with twice the area to aim at, while adding fluid to a stable cassette.



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At the end of every trip I open up the top inspection cover and give the inside a really good clean and rinse out. I fill the cassette with a mixture of washing up liquid and bleach and leave to soak overnight then rinse out. I leave the cassette in the garage with the inspection cover half out to allow air to circulate then spray the edge of the cassette opening and the inspection cover with silicone before the next trip as I find that this makes it easier to open the cover next time. If I had to I would take the cassette out to put chemicals in rather than carry the chemicals inside the van to avoid any nasty spillages inside.
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Alanb - 2021-07-25 6:08 PM


...I have never understood why there is a recommendation to charge the cassette via its emptying spout. This requires the cassette to be balanced on its side or end. My choice is, with the cassette still removed from the vehicle, to pull back the sliding cover flap, and open the valve by turning the operating knob. I am then presented with twice the area to aim at, while adding fluid to a stable cassette.



A toilet cassette will (obviously) be emptied through its emptying spout. Normal practice will then be to rinse the cassette by putting into it water from a tap and then emptying it out, with this sequence likely to be repeated several times - and the water from the tap (and the emptying out) will be via the cassette’s emptying spout. Assuming that a liquid chemical additive is to be used, this will usually be measured using the emptying spout’s cap and introduced into the cassette through its spout followed by a follow-up quantity of water from the tap also put in through the spout.


In my experience this is the method motorcaravanners normally adopt when a water-tap is available and it tallies with Thetford’s own advice (shown in the image attached below that relates to the toilet model fitted to my Rapido motorhome).


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Using the cassette's cap as intended as the measuring and application item, avoids getting the blue on anything else, and the challenges of then storing the blue contaminated measure. Seems natural enough way to do it if you accept it needs a measure amount, the more so with the blue that stains things so readily.
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Two other suggestions.

1. Wipe the bowl and dry and with the cassette out pay attention to the face on the bowl that contacts the cassette.

2. Ensure the seal on the cassette (note all 4 surfaces - interior to cassette, exterior and the two in the middle of the seal) are clean and dry and sprayed with appropriate lubricant.



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