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I'd add:


1. Extend the drive by block paving the front garden to prk at an angle - we did this at our last house. We only used the drive for short periods. We continued to use storage for longer terms to placate the neighbours.


2. Build an additional drive - we built a new drive up the side of our house behind the build line and with Council permission. We did this because our drive was one inch and a bit short for the motorhome we wanted to buy. Had we overhung into the road, which had parking restrictions, we would have attracted parking tickets.


It's quite common for neighbours to take an instant dislike to a big white box parked at the front of the property whether on a drive or the road.



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Just to add that some housing estates have covenants about what you cannot do with your property,


These range from not allowing “sign written “ vehicles to be parked on drives, caravans or caravan like trailers ( food venders vans) To motor homes etc. Overlooks the fact that they all can be kept on the road provided they meet requirements of highway, local authorities and DVLA .


I can keep a caravan on my drive , but cannot keep pigs, or horses in the back garden. Just wondering which would annoy the neighbours least ?


May pay to check you deeds



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The only practical option here is to use a storage facility around £4 to 600 per annum. We are fortunate to have a large drive with parking space that cannot be seen from the road nor neighbours, regardless I still use a local platinum status storage site because I don't like to see a a big white van on the drive albeit my own!
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Brock - 2021-08-29 5:29 PM


I'd add:


It's quite common for neighbours to take an instant dislike to a big white box parked at the front of the property whether on a drive or the road.

Very true. My direct neighbour is a fanatical gardener but I had mine ripped out so I could use it to park a bigger van there. The cheeky so and so's came out and told me I should park it straight in my drive instead of at an angle. Staggering but thats how the pair of them are!


It wasn't long before they declared war......using plants!! Some bushy tree type of thing at each end and a huge thorn bush slap in the middle! Anytime I was on the front doing anything with my van, the pair of 'em would peek from behind a curtain watching to see if the thorn bush caught me. Hard to believe both are supposed "adults" in their 60s! *-)

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