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"Free camping" in Spain, can you or not?


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We are planning to travel to France next month and then on to Spain for the whole of June. We were going to mix some nights on sites, to do our laundry etc! and others "free camping". We have seen, (on previous Spanish holidays without a van), loads of vans parked up on or near beaches and "proms" etc.


Thing is I have just read in the CC "Europe 1" book that this is not allowed in Spain and vans will be moved on by the police. Is this the official line and the police have more important things to do in "real life" or will we be towed away in our sleep?



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you may be lucky tomo, but upset the spannish police and unlike the good ol british copper you may find yourself staring down the barrel of a gun. upset em further and your van could be impounded, broken into little pieces, and used as landfill for the next high rise block of flats. you as been warned!


Now go off and enjoy yourself.



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Are you trying to put people off for life Fred? The answer is that sometimes you can wild camp as described and sometimes not. It all depends on the area and the local policy at the time. Spanish police are normally polite. Just be polite back, move on if requested, and you should not have a problem.
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Cheers Fred! Anyone want to buy a nearly new motorhome, kitted out for Spain!!




I do make a point of NEVER upsetting the police in any country, never mind one where they carry weapons! Besides the police in our country do a wonderful job, with poor pay, they deserve more money and free shopping and petrol etc. There, that should cover any problems being overloaded or staying on the prom at Weymouth!


p.s. So do the police in Spain!!

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We stayed 20 nights in Spain just recently and only stayed in 4 camp sites.

Had no trouble from Police who seemed very polite and often waved up to us ( or they waving a gun!).


Go for it but be sensible where you stay. Have a good break.


Paul "worms" :-) :-) :-)

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We tried to wild camp in Spain (with some others) but the Police moved us on at 0200 hours in the morning because "wild camping in Spain is illegal." "You must camp in official camp sites only" they said.


Hence we haven,t been back to Spain since.


That was 15 or so years ago.


Has it changed?






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Clive - Plenty of wild camping going on all round the Spanish coast. Also I'm looking at a last years photo of Albufeira marina, Portugal, there are at least ten units parked up at the waters edge. They were there some time and the local authorities even provide dustbins. You could'nt get a better pitch if you tried.


They locals may not like wild camping but one of the problems in Spain/Portugal is that a lot of sites have been bought up by property developers, thus causing pitch shortages for campers. What to do with these campers is the problem and so you get the situation where some localities tolerate wild camping whilst others don't.


Incidentally, I'm not pushing wild camping and don't do it unless it's forced on us for some reason, but, I know a lot do.

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It sounds similar to the place where we were moved on from all those years ago. Fantastic views etc. I am just thankfull that the posture and law in France regarding wild camping (for one night) is totally different to that in Spain.


The end of the Spanish story is that we returned to the place in the morning to find that nearly everybody else was still there, parked in the same positions. We asked and they seemed amused that we drove away. Aparently it was a ritual by the Police to bang on everyones campers to wake them up, the drivers then came out of their motorhomes and stood in a group together in the middle of the parking area. The Police then had no idea who drove what and cluttered off after 30 minutes. Then everybody went back to bed.

We parked in an old quarry entrance as the local camp site gates were locked closed at that time in the morning.


Live and learn.






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Your experience Clive reminded me of when, many moons ago, we were parked up on a brilliantly lit Dover seafront (nothing like it is now - the seafront I mean) for the night, in a caravan outfit, in absolutely foul weather. In the wee small hours I answered a knocking on the door to find a soaked policeman, who apologised and said "I'm sorry sir but I have a senior officer along the road and he's making us wake everyone up to turn their vehicle lights on". He then did a double-take of bleary eyed and disbelieving me in my pygama bottoms, another at the weather, and said again "Give me your keys sir, I'll do it for you" - and did!


We're not so very different from those foreigners after all are we? We all have our off days I suppose and they do provide good memories.


Keep smiling.

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In practice, you are much more likely to be moved on in the middle of summer than in the depths of winter. Wild camping IS illegal in Spain and hence their right to move you on.


Especially during the busy summer season, many locals see little difference between a clutch of assorted motorhomes parked up near a beach and a clutch of vans and caravans as used by itinerant travellers.


Having seen some wild camping in Spain, I must admit I have some sympathy with their view.


Mel E



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Mel E - 2007-04-19 4:10 PM



Wild camping IS illegal in Spain and hence their right to move you on.



Wild camping may or not be illegal but parking isn't.


The best thing to do is go to the beach etc. during the day and then park up in a quiet street or car park at night.


We have never had any problems.

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