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French customs checks

Katrina Cassidy

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Welcome to the Out&AboutLive forums, Katrina.


Unfortunately, asking for advice on the Chatterbox forum is like seeking sensible and informed answers from 3-year-old kids at a kindergarten.


French Customs Regulations are described here




with the UK now, of course, being outside the EU.


As I haven’t been to France since 2019, I can’t comment on whether their customs officers are checking the luggage of UK travellers more rigorously than pre-Brexit. As the “Prepare for the worst and hope for the best” saying goes, if any of the presents should be declared, you’d be wise to do so. Even if declaration is not necessary, it might be best to not wrap the presents (or make sure the wrapping can be easily removed without it being damaged) just in case an intensive check is made.


It might be useful to know how you will be entering France (ferry, tunnel, air) in case someone who has recently used that partticular method can comment from personal experience.


(I’ve asked participants on the Motorhome Matters forum to look at this discussion and advise if they can.)


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Derek suggested we pop over from MHM to Chatterbox to answer your query.

I can only comment on my experience.

I have travelled three times in the last 12 months, in July with my wife, in September (ditto) and in October on my own. All via Eurotunnel.

We (I) were stopped once (in July) and asked to open the rear doors on our hi-top camper-van - which gives access to where we keep all the chairs spare Ad blue, walking boots etc. beneath the bed.

I am pretty sure that was simply because our camper doesn't actually look that much like a camper more of a weird high grey van with windows. Once the French customs guy at Folkestone saw it was a regular camper he wasn't much interested and was about to send us on our way when three of his chums came out to take a look, again because, I think,


a) he spoke little English and they thought they'd help out

b) It's an unusual looking van

c) Its left hand drive on UK plates.

d) they had nothing better to do.


One walked around the front, saw my wife in the passenger seat and said "Ah you are with your lady" and sent us on our way. As French an experience as I could have wished for.


If you are taking presents I think my advice would be. Don't hide them, don't wrap them, but neither would I leave them in plain sight. Just stick them in a less obvious cupboard or locker. Don't carry any prohibited foods. I have never heard of anyone getting checked for food but if they were to check and find some then that might encourage them to have more of a rummage than they otherwise would do.

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Hi. Customs? what customs check?!

We crossed to Calais in our motorhome on Eurotunnel on 19th November.


At the Folkestone terminal the following happened:


1. UK border checked passports

2. French border date stamped passports and asked "Covid?" to which we replied yes and flashed our NHS QR codes - smile and on we went

3. Eurotunnel LPG check as usual by member of staff

4. French customs - never saw anyone. They must have been there but probably have a coffee and croissant. Definitely not interested about what's inside our vehicle so my pint of milk and 8 ozs of cheshire chees was safe


Often have a drug swab on steering wheel/door but not asked this time.


BTW returning from Calais there was ZERO checking of our wine/beer stock. At folkestone just drove straight onto the M20 as usual, no "nothing to declare" channel anywhere :-D

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Probably a little late, but my experience on 30 Nov. at Newhaven Port was one of positivity regarding

customs procedure, in that there wasn't any, more specifically I wasn't queried on anything, likewise on

arrival in Dieppe. No one even entered the van and there was a motorbike on the back. Covid

documentation was asked for, and for the first time in literally dozens of crossings I was asked

if I had turned the gas off!


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