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spain next year


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I would have thought there's a reasonable chance that (7-8 weeks from today) you'll be able to travel by ferry to Spain - though it's probable that COVID-related travel regulations and testing would still be in force at the Spanish and UK ends.


Assuming the Brittany Ferries booking you've made is free to amend, if you aren't able to travel in February you shouldn't lose out much financially (if at all) by moving the booking to later dates.


(I amended an early-2020 Brittany Ferries booking to France eight times before finally concluding that there was no likelihood of us going. Cancelling the booking wasn't too expensive.)

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I'm booked on that route on Feb 1st. I think it's 50/50. The Spanish have done a decent job of sitting on Covid over the last nine months. Their rates a week or so were 10% of those here. They have not delivered so many boosters but there health service has proved itself robust overall. They are pretty good at mask wearing and social distancing - better than the UK according to friends who have been backwards and forward between a flat in London and small house in Andalucia. So..... it's 50/50


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slowdriver - 2021-12-19 2:53 PM

The Spanish have done a decent job of sitting on Covid over the last nine months. Their rates a week or so were 10% of those here.


That's changed big time this month, they are currently running at around 50% per head of population compared to UK and catching up fast. :-(

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colin - 2021-12-19 4:32 PM

That's changed big time this month, they are currently running at around 50% per head of population compared to UK and catching up fast. :-(


Its worth taking a look at Covidly - https://covidly.com

which provides comparative COVID performance data for all countries in the world. It doesn't cover all the parameters that might be useful, but it does have a health score which aggregates the current performance of each country. High (9) is good; low (1) is bad .


The UK is currently scoring 2, (characterised as: Virus is spreading exponentially. Situation will most likely get worse before it gets better)

Spain 5. (characterised as: Number of cases is still growing at a high rate, but the growth is constant)


The health score is a single metric to quickly assess the overall health of the country. The formula combines:

Case growth rate (50%)

Rate of new cases. Combination of daily % of cases as well as double derivative of cases.

Death growth rate (30%)

Rate of new deaths. Combination of daily % of deaths as well as double derivative of deaths.

Recovery (20%) The progress towards recovery. Note that some countries do not provide accurate recovery data.

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My opinion for what it's worth is that it will be months before we can all enjoy a trip to anywhere in Europe, thats a dead cert. My guess it will be similar to this year. I have friends who have just bought their first motorhome with the intention of taking a year out and going down in February to Spain taking the three months allowance and returning here and spending the rest of the time touring the uk. I really feel for them though they may still get there a few months late of course.
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slowdriver - 2021-12-19 10:44 PM


colin - 2021-12-19 4:32 PM

That's changed big time this month, they are currently running at around 50% per head of population compared to UK and catching up fast. :-(


Its worth taking a look at Covidly - https://covidly.com

which provides comparative COVID performance data for all countries in the world. It doesn't cover all the parameters that might be useful, but it does have a health score which aggregates the current performance of each country. High (9) is good; low (1) is bad .


The UK is currently scoring 2, (characterised as: Virus is spreading exponentially. Situation will most likely get worse before it gets better)

Spain 5. (characterised as: Number of cases is still growing at a high rate, but the growth is constant)


The health score is a single metric to quickly assess the overall health of the country. The formula combines:

Case growth rate (50%)

Rate of new cases. Combination of daily % of cases as well as double derivative of cases.

Death growth rate (30%)

Rate of new deaths. Combination of daily % of deaths as well as double derivative of deaths.

Recovery (20%) The progress towards recovery. Note that some countries do not provide accurate recovery data.


Covidly has just caught up with the real world and classed Spain as 2.

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colin - 2021-12-20 11:12 PM


Covidly has just caught up with the real world and classed Spain as 2.


Well they can't change the classification until the data is updated. Presumably the latest data has driven a change in the classification. It's a useful resource because its comprehensive and data driven and not partial and anecdotal. I anticipate with no joy that France and Italy will move from 4 to 2 in due course. We have been "world beating" since the start of this epidemic in terms of infection spread. Sometimes we have led the down-turn as well. Let's hope we do again, then I might make my ferry Feb1st.

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slowdriver - 2021-12-20 11:32 PM


colin - 2021-12-20 11:12 PM


Covidly has just caught up with the real world and classed Spain as 2.


Well they can't change the classification until the data is updated. Presumably the latest data has driven a change in the classification. It's a useful resource because its comprehensive and data driven and not partial and anecdotal. I anticipate with no joy that France and Italy will move from 4 to 2 in due course. We have been "world beating" since the start of this epidemic in terms of infection spread. Sometimes we have led the down-turn as well. Let's hope we do again, then I might make my ferry Feb1st.


My earlier posting was informed from the data, quite why Covidly weren't up to date I don't know.



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We’ve been in Spain for 3 weeks now and are booked to return to UK in late Feb.


So far we both feel a good deal safer here than we do at home. Masks are worn by the great majority of people outdoors, and that includes young children. Hand sanitiser is everywhere and masks worn without fail in shops, public buildings etc. Passes are required to enter venues that can accommodate more than 50 - I think. All the cafes and restaurants we have used ask you to wait outside until seated and take your order when you are seated. Lots of QR coded menus rather than paper.


This seems to be accepted as common sense and we are impressed by how the rules are adhered to.


The campsite has the same rules, we are well spaced and public areas kept spotlessly clean. The ferry crossing ( Portsmouth to Santander) also felt properly covid regulated and safe.


Clearly we have no idea what will happen, if anything, before the end of February but so far we are pleased we did not cancel our crossing and will continue to enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Go for it !

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Due to go via St Malo on Jan 23. Can't see the ban on UK entries to France lasting that long (they based it on Boris bigging up the SAGE modelling which day by day is becoming less likely). Mind you if wearing masks outdoors is the norm, I'd rather not be going!! Very few masks in Menorca in September and none outside.
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We toured around Spain for two months, arriving back at the beginning of November. I was impressed by the high level of mask wearing by the locals, however this was offset by the lack of same by nearly all 'North European' campers, many of whom even ignored the rules on the campsites.


What does fascinate me though is the Spanish belief that they need to wear a face mask whilst out and about, but as soon as they sit down at an outside table at a bar or restaurant, most of which are most certainly NOT socially distanced, they somehow become safe and can remove the masks and eat, drink and chat to their hearts content.

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Steve H - 2021-12-21 5:59 PM


What does fascinate me though is the Spanish belief that they need to wear a face mask whilst out and about, but as soon as they sit down at an outside table at a bar or restaurant, most of which are most certainly NOT socially distanced, they somehow become safe and can remove the masks and eat, drink and chat to their hearts content.


Luckily I'm currently in Spain. Rest assured when next in a restaurant I'll show those Spaniards the error of their ways by sucking my paella and cava through my mask, might have a bit of a struggle with a chorizo though. As for in anyway restricting their restaurant cross chat I'm afraid it'll take a braver hombre than me !

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after 26 years of winter in spain using the tunnel, hopefully next year we'll be going again but for the first time ferry direct to spain from Portsmouth,( the drive through France has lost it's appeal) problem is that we have a dog so booking is harder to get but can be overcome, what I'd like to know is that as the trip is 2 days and 1 night we will have to eat in the onboard resturant so what to do with the dog? (she will not stay alone) she is only a small (5k) Lhasa Abso and I often carry her in a front chest harness similar to a baby carrier,

will I be able to sit in a cafe or similar with my dog?

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No, absolutely no dogs in public areas.


If you have a pet cabin you will have to arrange separate meal times so one of you can be with the dog while the other eats. You can rearrange your meal times ( which are pre-allocated) with the reception desk.


If your dog is at all nervous then I would not recommend the kennels. We are not pet owners but I have seen them and also read and heard many comments from those who booked them.


Ask BF to let you know when the bookings will open for your chosen dates and get in there fast. Better still, join Club Voyage and you get prior notification for when bookings open. I don’t knowvof the C&CC or C&MC will be able to book pet cabins in advance but might be worth asking.

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