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Motorhome Insurance -Europe

Keith T

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I've been looking around for quotes for a new Motorhome which we should collect in another month or so, and have come up with something new to me - or at least I've never been asked the question before.


Whilst the quote (CaravanGuard) cover driving in Europe, the policy only offered the minimum 3rd party cover, and to increase this to the necessary full comprehensive cost extra. It would then give up to 8 months (in total) out of the 12months of the pollicy.

Similarly the breakdown for Europe (extra in this case) would give the same time limit, but for the UK (included) did not cover 'home-start'. You had to be 1 mile form home, so if you broke down at home you would have to call out the breakdown service at your cost. The person to whom I spoke seemed to think you might be able to get reimbursement under the 'uninsured losses' section. I have my doubts on this!


I then called Safeguard, from whom I had received an excellent quote at Birmingham show, who confirmed that their standard policy quote included fully comp in Europe automatically, without time limit.


My previous policy with Comfort also automatically cover this fully comp, without extra payment. The Uk side of the breakwon also gives full home start.


Any one come up with these oddities.......it certainly shows the need to question these points specifically when shopping around! I have to add that on this occasion the Safeguard quote was well in excess of either of the other two, and for poorer cover.

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As always, read the policy small print before parting with cash.

I have too often found clauses in policies that are contradictory or downright missleading. And don't believe what they say over the 'phone.

Read it yourself, several times if neccessary, especially when something strikes you as being unclear.

Even the biggest firms are prone to take your money fraudulently.

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An insurer should be happy to send you a pre-contract copy of their standard policy, else how can you know what you are buying. I wonder if you can cancel a policy, cos you bought it unseen, and it wasn't what you expected.


My only problem has been with break down cover. It was first on the Talbot Camper, then on the 1957 Land Rover, then back onto the camper. We had to specify which vehicle was being taken abroad before going. Premium suddenly shot up. We queried why, and it seems that the insurers suspected that we were driving two vehicles in Europe,but only paying for one. Well, yes we were, but not at the same time. They didn't object to us driving any number of different vehicles in the UK, so why the difference?

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W3526602 - 2007-04-20 4:11 PM




An insurer should be happy to send you a pre-contract copy of their standard policy, else how can you know what you are buying. I wonder if you can cancel a policy, cos you bought it unseen, and it wasn't what you expected.



Yes, from my enquiries so far, I think they will send you the 'contract' info if requested, and also there is normally a 14 day 'cool-off' period form the date of start of the policy, when there is a full refund available provided no claims of course!

I now prefer to ask the questions when on the phone, and pretty welways you are 'wanred' the conversation is recorded anyway.

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fred grant - 2007-04-20 8:42 PM


why do we need all these add ons from our insurance companiees? surely premiums would be much cheaper without.



Fred - it's not add-ons per se, its the fact that you have to pay extra, in the case I quoted, for what should already be included, and is with the others for a lower total price.

I guess, though, for some, the continental use is not important, and therefore the Insurers feel they should offer this as an 'option' at additional cost.

My point really was that it was the first time I had come across this particular problem being aired at all.


As far as the breakdown cover was concerned, to exclude 'home start' really is 'penny-pinching'. as I would guess statistically, you are just as likely to have a problem say starting the vehicle on your driveway as anywhere else - especially if it something like we have had on a couple of occasions a frozen/locked handbrake or a flat battery!


Incidentally, when the 'written' quote arrived from Caravanguard, it was for a totally different amount to what was quoted on the phone, and even by allowing for the various options, there was no way I could work back to the original...strange, but in view of what I consider a serious deficiency in the actual policy, I have not pursued this one.

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All motor insuance policies now automatically include cover for unlimited use throughout the EU - but it's Third Party only. This is the same as the cover you normally get to drive a car not owned or insured by you - TP only.


Unfortunately, Third Party only is not much use if your toy catches fire or is stolen or, heaven forbid - you bump it (or, as Clouzeau would say, bermp it!).



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