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Toilet Troubles


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I have an Ace Napoli Motorhome (new lat September) and i was wondering if any one has had the same problem or can suggest what is going wrong.

The toilet bowl fills with clean water, but the water pump and 12v power is switched off, the water seems to continue to seep through into the bowl via the flushing holes.

I just returned from Tewkesbury today and only by chance I went into the bathroom to put some thing away and i noticed the floor was wet, and on opening the toilet lid the bowl was literally three quarters full of water and obviously spilling out onto the floor.

Anyone help Please.




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Hi Terry,


Do you know what make and model Loo you have. I wonder if you have a top flushing tank or is the flushing water taken from the main fresh water tank?


If taken from the main water tank, pressing the flushing button usually opens an electrically operated valve and the pump then senses loss of pressure and starts pumping.


If you have a top flushing tank - which seems likely, then there must be a problem with perhaps a valve not closing correctly or if manually operated perhaps a washer has worn or become distorted in the manually operated pump.


Regards Terry

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Water from the main tank???

Has your main water tank got a breather? If this is blocked a small temperature rise could cause the air above the water to expand thus presurising the water which finds its way out of the first available outlet - your loo via the pump perhaps.



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Hi Terry,


If you have the Thetford C200, the flushing button energises a soleniod operated valve, its possible this valve is stuck in a partially open position, Clives theory of pressure in the tank may be correct, but the water should still not leak into the bowl.


I find that with our system, the hot water when switched on will cause considerable pressure to build up in the hot and cold pipework, and yet the water will not leak into the bowl. When the flushing button is pressed, we get quite a high pressure of water into the bowl at first, before the pump operates.


I wonder if your water pump cycles intermittently when water is not being used? This can indicate a faulty/leaky connection or valve somewhere in the system.


We switch the water pump off at night, when it is switched on in the morning it does not pump until we draw water, indicating no leaks - no loss of pressure through faulty connections or valves.


There is one proviso to this, the water tank must have been cold at night when the pump is switched off. If you have a tankfull of hot water at the time of switching off the pump at night, then first thing in the morning the pump will operate due to the now cold water volume in the hot tank being less.


Regards Terry

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The flushing switch on mine stuck once, causing water to continue to flow.

Also found the shower tray filling up from top of bowl.

Quick prod of the swtich seemed to cure it. Probably caused by lack of use.

I had just bought the 'van, and it had been standing idle for over a year.



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thanks for your replies, the toilet does have a button to operate the flush, but it doesn't stick, in fact i have the opposite to Terry as my water bearly manages to flush the bowl, the pump seems to bump bump bump then water trickles into the bowl, i have never been happy with it, luckliy it is under warranty so i can just take it back, but as i have no confidence in my dealers after sales work i was trying to solve it myself, it is a long story.





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Mornin Terry,


Sounds more and more like a half open and jammed electrically operated valve or blocked or restricted water pipe feeding the valve. Regarding low water pressure, when you take the MH in for repair, and if you have a diaphram water pump ask the maintenance chappy to remove the water pump reusable mesh filter and give it a good clean. I usually remove the filter at least twice a year to clean, you would be suprised at the things that are growing in it!


Regards Terry

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I wonder in the outlet in the toilet bowl is slightly blocked? That could allow a build up of water pressure when trying to flush and instead of the usual quick one or two second press of the button I wonder if you are pressing it for longer thus trying to push through more water in an attempt to get more pressue? Because it has then been pressed for longer, it could be trying to push much more water into the bowl than normal and so continue due to sheer pressure in the pipes after you have left it. Just an idea.
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