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fluctuating shower water temperature


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Anyone had problems with shower temperature changing from full heat to cold every couple of seconds ? Basin tap is working correctly but does have more flow. Bessacar E410 (2003) . New shower tap fitted 8 months ago and worked fine until last few uses . Think it is a Reich tap
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I think the shower tap that would have been originally fitted to a 2003 Bessacarr E410 is as shown in the photo attached below.


The fitment looks like a Reich single-lever "Twist" mixer tap




(though Komet markets a tap that looks similar).


This 2009 MHFacts thread




began with an enquiry about a problem that resembles yours. The discussion soon went off the rails, but there was some useful feedback from Swift.


Try running the shower with its tap set to its fully hot position and then do the same thing with its tap set to fully cold, just in case that produces unusual behaviour. While it's tempting to think the problem might lie with the replacement tap, if this was an exact like-for-like replacement (plus you've said the new tap was fitted 8 months ago and the hot/cold temperature fluctuations have only just begun) the tap is probably not the culprit. I think your motorhome's water-pump may be a SHURflo pressure-sensitive type and it would be worth checking if the temperature fluctuation is happening simultaneously with the pump automatically switching itself on and off when the shower is in use. If that's so, you could try adjusting the pump's shut-off/pressure switch.




The trouble is (as emphasised in the MHFacts thread) motorhome water systems are seldom optimised and often poorly designed. When a problem suddenly occurs, troubleshooting demands a systematic approach and, even then, there may be no simple solution.


(While on holiday in France a few years back the hoses of my 2015 Rapido motohome's water system suddenly started to vibrate violently whenever any of the water outlets was turned on. The vibration was so severe that the water system was unusable, so we cut short our trip and came back to the UK. The SHURflo water-pump was the prime suspect, but fitting a new pump made absolutely no difference. Eventually I pinned down the location of the fault to somewhere in the pipework between the fresh-water tank and the SHURflo pump, but that pipework was under the fresh-water tank and removing the tank would have required major surgery. Eventually I managed to sidestep the problem by installing a new water-feed between the tank and the pump, but I still don't know what caused the vibration. All part of the Wonderful World of Motorhomes...)


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