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Excellent article........

Guest pelmetman

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Gremlin - 2022-02-24 9:27 AM


Barryd999 - 2022-02-23 9:14 PM


Gremlin - 2022-02-23 10:24 AM


Barryd999 - 2022-02-23 10:10 AM


Gremlin - 2022-02-23 9:11 AM


pelmetman - 2022-02-23 8:57 AM


Mr Maugham is just another LYING shyster Lawyer like Phil Shiner *-) ............




No doubt his forum Toady wont mind knowing he funds LIAR (?) .........


To be fair - the courts have found in the first instance that in the heat of the pandemic the government did set things up without reference to the normal niceties we are used to pre-pandemic.


But as the Appeal Court clearly stated earlier this year, any independent observer would conclude that the government’s actions were reasonable given the circumstances at the time.


As for the case you link to - how when the Judges said that the GLP’s case “failed in it’s entirety” can GLP possibly spin this into a “win”.


The answer? “we was short staffed Gov”


What a lame excuse.


I think I’ll set up the “Naff Law Project” and sue the GLP for making a mistake……


Who else is legally challenging this corrupt bunch of Charlatans that have brought disgrace and shame on our once great nation? Would you rather they were just allowed to continuously get away with further corruption and law breaking without at the very least a thorn in their side? It seems GLP made an error on this case but their track record is pretty good and its really a David and Goliath situation. I know I Can trust them far more than I could ever trust Johnson and his cronies who you claim you oppose. So which side are you really on? The side of justice and truth or the side of dishonesty, corruption and dragging this country into the gutter?



Again you erupt with one sided anger. Anger at events that have now been dealt with by the courts and the GLP have won some and lost some.


I wonder if they would have pursued Tony Blair with the same one sided vigour over his lies to the country and the HoC over the supposed existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction and his taking us into an illegal war.


I think I am probably older than you and have long since learnt that ALL politicians lie.


Please don't confuse being passionate about saving my country from an ever increasing downwards spiral with one sided anger. The courts have dealt with several cases of corruption and law breaking from this government and Johnson and on several occasions they have been found guilty yet there they still are. You would have to be a blinkered cultist Tory like Pelmet to not see them for what they are and your last comment pretty much proves to me that there is no doubt where your loyalties lie. I think you are as bad as he is but at least he admits to loving Johnson and the new Tory Kipper party.


With age does not necessarily come wisdom by the way.


As regards wisdom, what you say is true of course, but neither is it true that anyone is born with wisdom.


“Teenagers leave home now whilst you still know everything” is a truism that applies to many, including yourself I would suggest, long after most teenagers have accrued sufficient knowledge and experience such that are a tad embarrassed by their teenage antics.


For me, I despise all party politics. There is another saying that makes me chuckle.


“If before age 28 you don’t vote Labour you don’t have a heart - and if you still vote Labour after age 28, you don’t have a brain.”


But for me, having experienced Wilson/Callaghan, Heath, Thatcher/Major, Blair/Brown, Cameron/Clegg, May and now Boris - I say a pox on all their houses.


Hmm. For once I Would agree with some of what you post. I am not a teenager however. Well not officially anymore at least.

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