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Recommended camp sites France or Italy


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having just bought our motorhome we are planning a trip in the summer to France or Italy and would like any readers recommendations on sites they have stayed on, Holland, Belguim or any other favourable sites. All info appreciated. Thanks. Paul J


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With so many countries under consideration, I think your best bet will be go get a copy of the Caravan Club's "Caravan Europe" guides.  Unfortunately, you'll need both volumes to cover the countries you're considering.

However, the site commentaries are written by the users, not by inspectors, so tend to tell it like it is.  Use these to roughly plan your route, and then come back and ask if anyone has used sites in any of the areas you're considering.  We've used sites all across France, Italy, Spain, and Portugal over the past two years, but far too many to enumerate without some guidance.

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Guest JudgeMental


"Recommended camp sites France or Italy"


Blimey! best to narrow it down to the areas you intend to visit?

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I'm with the Judge here. Don't get hung up on sites.


Trailer caravanners tend to think of the campsite as the place they spend the holiday, venturing out to explore local attractions, and only moving on to another when they've exhausted the possibilities for day trips.


Motorhomers tend to regard each night as just something we have to fit in between whatever we do in the daytime. Of course, on a longish trip there will be times when we want to stay somewhere for a little while - if only to catch up with the laundry! - but mostly we think of sites (or Aires!) simply as places to spend the night, so we can get on with the real business of the holiday.

It follows, as the Judge says, that to get the best from a motorhome or camper, you need to focus on what you're going to do in the daytimes first, then decide where you'll spend the nights.


Whether you do all this spontaneously, or book ahead (as you'll sometimes need to, especially at busy times/places), the principle is the same: your "home" is the van, not the site, so don't try to use campsites as "mini-holiday camps."


Often, the only thing we pre-book is the ferry, and we've discovered numerous "surprises" across the Continent over the years. But however you do it, enjoy yourselves!!



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Hi - I also agree with Judgementals comment!


We usually spend 6-8 weeks in France mid May-Mid July, and never book anywhere in advance. We often have an idea of where we may go, and perhaps a very rough route-plan. It is rarely followed!


However, if we want to see specific places, especially where we feel may need more than 1 night, I'll do a bit of research to find a suitable 'easy access' site (ie walking or public transport).....a search on the internet simply under '..camp sites in x...' usually brings up quite a bit of info, and other than that, the CC Continental Guide is excellent, although some of the info may be a bit out of date.


we also look for perhaps cities (i that's your thing) where we can find plenty of things to see and do, and where you can often find a site for a few nights and visit other places by public transport, leaving your own vehicle in the saftey and securuty of a site.


Don't try to fit too much in.....there is so much to see, and you will, like us, I'm sure, often decide to stop off here and there, and find places you didn't even know existed.


Enjoy it, above all....!

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