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Missing part for Swift Spirit (Escape) 2019


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Can a Swift Spirit (Escape) owner shed any light on what part is missing from the skylight above the cab. A piece of chipboard is clearly visible which is surely not correct and the frame knocks loudly when the Moho is driven. Thanks.
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The method of attaching a file to a forum posting is described in "Forums FAQ" in the "Forum User Guide" forum shown at the top of the Forums homepage




I've copied the guidance below.


To reduce the size of a large jpeg, jpg, png, gif or bmp image file, I normally use this application






Q: How do I attach a file to a forum posting?


A: The procedure for attaching a file to a forum posting is as follows:


1: Type the posting’s text into the Message box.


2: Tick the box titled "Attach a file after posting”.


3: Click the posting’s SUBMIT button.


An “Attach a file” box should now appear, When it does


4: Click on the “Choose File” button.


The response to clicking on the “Choose File” button will depend on the device you are using. But however your device (PC, Mac, tablet, phone) responds, you’ll need to identify and choose the file you want to attach. The file-name should now appear alongside the “Choose File” button. When it does


5: Click on the “Submit” button.


If the file you are trying to attach has a format that the forum’s software can handle, a message (in red) “Upload successful” should appear, plus information showing the name of the file and its size.


6: Now click on "Return to the thread” in the “Actions” box to complete the process. (If you want to attach several files, repeat actions 4 and 5 as necessary, and then click on "Return to the thread”.)






Attempting to attach a fairly large file with a size exceeding 100KB may produce the following error message


Request object error 'ASP 0104 : 80004005'


Operation not Allowed


/forums/includes/include-upload.asp, line 51


However, if the file is really large, the attachment process may fail with no error message and with “no file selected” appearing alongside the “Choose File” button.




If a file has a .jpg extension (eg. photo.jpg) the attached file-image should be permanently visible on the posting.


If a file has a .jpeg extension (eg. photo.jpeg) just the name of the file will be shown at the foot of the posting. If a forum-member then clicks on the file-name, the member’s own device (PC, Mac, tablet, etc.) will attempt to handle it and the image will normally become visible.


It is possible to attach other file-types provided that the file-size is no larger than 100KB. However, there is no certainty how the forums’ elderly (2005 vintage) software will react.

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This MHFun discussion related to the overcab rooflight of a 2017 Swift Escape 684 motorhome




and there's a photo of the rooflight from inside the vehicle (copied below).


I would be useful if Brian said whether he obtained the motorhome new or secondhand, and - if secondhand - when he bought it.


It seems unlikely that Swift would have built the vehicle using 'chipboard' in that area (or at least with the chipboard being visible!) and the fact that the rooflight frame knocks noisily when the motorhome is driven suggests that a poor quality bodge has been carried out.


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