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NHS App and COVID Passes.

Brian Kirby

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Apologies if you all already know this, but it is now possible to obtain the NHS COVID Pass via the NHS APP (not to be confused with the NHS COVID App!). The App is downloadable free from the Google Play Store, and you will then have to set up an NHS log-in to access your vaccination records. Once you have this, and have activated the App, you can download your vaccination records with a QR code for use in gaining entry to any venues requiring proof of vaccination. The downloads are available as a .pdf document, or in electronic format for use with a smart 'phone.


Unlike earlier versions, these NHS COVID Passes, in either format, are now recognised across the EU.


However, there are a couple of potentially confusing aspects of the electronic version (at last so far as Android phones etc are concerned) that are poorly explained on the HNS website.


First, there is a reference to the need to download "Google Pay" (also free from the Play Store), because the downloads are held within a Google Pay "Card". It is not stated, but it is preferable to download and install Google Pay (which wants you to link it to a credit or debit card, although no linked card is necessary for Google Pay to create its "Card") before downloading the COVID Passes (of which there will be one for each vaccine dose, so three if "boosted"), because it is much easier this way than trying to get them onto the Card subsequently.


Second, the NHS website misleadingly refers to the COVID Passes (which are valid for only 30 days) updating automatically. They do not. However, you can update the Passes manually, at any time, by logging in to the NHS App and then re-downloading them to the Google Pay Card. You will then gain new, 30 day, QR code expiry dates - but your Card will now contain both the original Passes and the new ones (so potentially six Passes). So, if you want to go to a restaurant, and they want to see a valid QR code for entry, it would probably be prudent to delete the out of date Passes to eliminate any possible confusion should the Passes you present be the out of date ones! :-)


If you opt for the .pdf version, these also expire after 30 days, and will need to be printed for use (all doses are included in the same .pdf document), so will have to be updated manually, before expiry, by logging in to the NHS App and downloading fresh .pdf passes which will then have expiry dates 30 days from the date of that, or any subsequent, download - and of course, will then have to be printed for use.

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