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Leisure battery removal


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Hi All,


First posting -- in at the deep end -- I have a problem with removal of my leisure battery under the driving seat on my 2003 CI Carioca 10. I've tried removing the panels around the bettery but there is always another metal bar in the way. The seat levers only seem to allow the seat to tip forwards by about 4 inches. The handbook does not help much either. With regard to the battery itself, I think it has been treated badly in a former life. It will stay at 12.7 volts for about 5 or 6 days and then suddenly drops to 10.5 volts or less. Any thoughts on these subjects.

Many thanks


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I know it get's on some people nerves when people say I can't help but this is one of them cases other than to tell you there are plenty on here who can help and you will find it a mindfull of information from people who have been doing it for donkeys years ..stick around someone will be along to help soon and enjoy what you learn lots of good people on here.




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If you feel like taking the headrests out ...DON'T. or if you do, then take extreme care to not let the spring loaded catches 'ping'. They can sometimes fire the plastic catch right out of the round housing and the little springs drop into the depths of the seat back. Nothing to do with battery and seat removal I know, but just came to mind, as I took the head rest off to make seat easier to manipulate......BIG OOPS!. Wrap a bit of sticky tape around the catch for the headrest height adjustment.
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If you are tempted to bend the slider stop out of the way ensure that you never adjust the seat position during heavy braking!!!


Dave,e sugested method is safest and the "official" method.


My suggestion is that frequently used on "development" vehicles where the seat is taken out umpteen times a day to access test / recoding equipment underneath.



Its quick, and only requires an old large screw driver and a big hammer!!!!


Cobblers children!!






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