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Recently in france we were at Hornfleur I saw a MH a big cathago?

anyway on the back next to the ladder it had (The best way to explain it is a windmill ) Obviously i understand that it was there to do something in the power region . the question is how does it work and is this in place of a solar panel . Are they effective ? I did notice it only seemed to go round when the wind blew like a wind turbine.Are they exspensive are they worth having ?


What's it for are they expensive are they worth it .


Also worth a mention the first night we stayed there no satelite whats so ever no TV. I kept thinking it was obviously something to do with our dish as everyone seemed tpo have theirs up . we moved on to varous places for the week . On the way back same again but only in Hornfluer.

Twenty minutes we waited for the signal the dish was pointing away from the bridge I wonder why this was happening we did in the end manage to find astra 2 ...

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Hi Michele,


If there are others on site with their dish up, I look for the 'Locals' and aim my dish around 10 to 15 degree's to the left of theirs. I find the compass seems to have a mind of it's own sometimes. I then use a analogue satfinder to find the sat if I've no signal.


The picture below is at Honfleur, note the bridge behind, so the dish is pointing away from the bridge, also so note a local next door and the positional relationship of the two dishes.


Regards Terry


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Terry I got your spot same place see you there same time same place next year .....seriously we did and the one next to you is exactly where ours was pointing to ...20 minutes later I was fed up as I said the first time nothing on the way back up we stayed again and it worked our dish in the same direction I would mind but its all singing and dancing,

My hubby would know but me I know nothing ...

Icelander it was late and we had walked all day and had a meal out in hornfleur just wanted a cup of tea bed and the news ..

and dont start that .each to his own ..... ;-)

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Watch it Rob - otherwise I will put a really long picture up on your display and you will have to buy a wider display to read all the mesages, and you will be able to see what we all started to say, but you won't know how the story ended ;-)


Michele - I can't believe your not at tecky - all those trick questions you ask (lol)


Regards Terry

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Guest caraprof
icelander - 2007-04-25 3:38 PM


If all you do when you go away is watch tv then you might as well stay home, and make space for those who want to see the scenery.


How do you watch the scenery when it's dark smart alec?

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caraprof - 2007-04-25 6:43 PM


icelander - 2007-04-25 3:38 PM


If all you do when you go away is watch tv then you might as well stay home, and make space for those who want to see the scenery.


How do you watch the scenery when it's dark smart alec?

with a torch (^)
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o midKnight - 2007-04-25 10:13 PM No scenery watching when it is dark - you are correct. Could use infra red though. Seriously though we tend to go to bed early maybe 18.30 when it is dark and get up at or before dawn breaks. Saves the battery as well.


You're obviously newly-weds.....

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Hi Michele,


I use Paint Shop Pro to edit the images, its a complimentry copy from an old computer magazine. The full copy does all sorts of amazing things, have a look at http://tinyurl.com/3955nv , if you want to loose weight or even gain it, longer legs, two heads etc.. you can manage your picture straight away, no weighting :-) for the calories to go on or off or the legs to grow (lol)


I took that picture at Honfleur, a cut down of the original because of the Rainbow, the full picture/s are amazing.


Regards Terry

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o midKnight - 2007-04-25 10:13 PM


No scenery watching when it is dark - you are correct. Could use infra red though. Seriously though we tend to go to bed early maybe 18.30 when it is dark and get up at or before dawn breaks. Saves the battery as well.




This is what you should be seeing in the dark.

Umm rabbit stew anyone :D

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Terry ,


Thanks for that i wished I was a tecky I am at the moment waiting for my hubby to stop mending someone else's and do this one .I wished I understood it all some people are just that way ... Me no such luck

Still I can jump & ride well.. :D

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