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Nothing better to do - or just friendly?


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Has anyone else noticed that it mainly seems to be the motorhoming fraternity wot suffers from verbal diarrhoea. Whenever I click on the 'New Threads' option it always gives me posts in Chatterbox and Motorhome Matters very little on t'others?

Is that a bit sad do you think, or are we just multi-skilled and can surf post AND get Out&About.. .. .. .. :-S



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I have a sad hunch this is an age thing! 

As a rough generalisation people start with tents, when they are young, broke, and carefree.  Then, after they have children the tents get bigger, or they get trailer tents.  When they begin to recover from the costs of house buying and having children, they go for trailer caravans for comfort and security and when, finally, the children leave home, the mortgage is reduced or paid off, and the expenses reduced, they start looking at motorhomes. 

Eventually, when they retire, they blue their pension lump sum on the motorhome, and spend all day talking about it on here!

Hands up who's guilty!

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Hi Don, welcome back.


I'm on early retirement so you're partly right Brian, but most of my mates who're still working spend ages at work on 'chat' - they particularly like sending out jokes via e-mail, takes me all my time to read 'em and forward - never mind finding anything new!!



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Brian Kirby - 2007-04-27 11:39 AM

I have a sad hunch this is an age thing! 

As a rough generalisation people start with tents, when they are young, broke, and carefree.  Then, after they have children the tents get bigger, or they get trailer tents.  When they begin to recover from the costs of house buying and having children, they go for trailer caravans for comfort and security and when, finally, the children leave home, the mortgage is reduced or paid off, and the expenses reduced, they start looking at motorhomes. 

Eventually, when they retire, they blue their pension lump sum on the motorhome, and spend all day talking about it on here!

Hands up who's guilty!

Do I REALLY need this? TODAY???? (see Chatterbox)Tony
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Im 38 does that make me the youngen on here, i do hope so i have been feeling mid live crisis setting in just lately, But to listen to you lot maybe buying a mh makes me getting old before my time.



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Tony Jones - 2007-04-27 3:43 PM
Brian Kirby - 2007-04-27 11:39 AM

I have a sad hunch this is an age thing! 

As a rough generalisation people start with tents, when they are young, broke, and carefree.  Then, after they have children the tents get bigger, or they get trailer tents.  When they begin to recover from the costs of house buying and having children, they go for trailer caravans for comfort and security and when, finally, the children leave home, the mortgage is reduced or paid off, and the expenses reduced, they start looking at motorhomes. 

Eventually, when they retire, they blue their pension lump sum on the motorhome, and spend all day talking about it on here!

Hands up who's guilty!

Do I REALLY need this? TODAY???? (see Chatterbox) Tony

Definitively, Tony, yes.  Now you know exactly what to expect over the next 20 - 40 years!  How many years is, of course, in your genes :-)

Oops, nearly forgot!  Happy Birthday Tony.

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