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Filling Gaslow Cylinders


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Just topped up my twin Gaslow cylinders at the Autogas pump, and found that I needed to hold the Pump Button in for at least 30 secs after filling started and between delivery stops, to fully top up the system.


After holding the button in, until the pumps were released at the cash desk, delivery started and then stopped after 0.2 ltrs, a further 20 secs passed before the delivery restarted and continued until a further 8 ltrs were pumped in, a further ten secs passed and another 0.35 ltrs was delivered and the pump motor stopped.


It seems to fully top up the system, you need to be brave enough to hold that button in for a long enough time, at least 30 secs, to ensure your bottles are fully topped up.


After the delivery and then returning home, I checked that I had vapour and not liquid at appliance end of the gas pipes - yet again. When will I trust the 80% cut off is doing its job? - I ask myself (lol)



Regards Terry

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hi terry ,just returned from peterbourgh show and i was talking to the men that fit the gaslow system . we told him about my friend system who,s filling pipe was catching on the door when shutting it and was wearing away and when we looked at my system my filling pipe was going in to the top of the bottle and his had been going in to the side entry on the bottle .but he said that the pipe should go into the side entry to supply gas evenly to both bottles ,because when the pipe is in the top it would not fill the bottle up evenly.they did give my friend one of those new pipe though
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My understanding is that, with a Gaslow twin-bottle system, the filler-hose normally screws on to a vertical connector on the top of one of the bottles, Alternatively a L-shaped adapter can be screwed on to the vertical connector so that the filler-hose can be connected horizontally and this arrangement is used when there is limited 'headroom' in the gas-locker.


I can't, for the life of me, think why it should make a scrap of difference to the filling process whether or not the gas is fed in vertically or horizontally. As long as the fill-valves and cut-off valves are performing correctly both bottles should eventually fill to their 80% design maximum even if they are of different capacity and start out with different amounts of gas in them.


However, I have heard tales of startlingly inept installation, one of which involved the installer modifying the Gaslow bottle's upper 'handle' with an angle-grinder to allow it to fit in the locker but failing to blunt the razor-sharp metal edge this action produced. Predictably this later cut through one of the gas hoses resulting in a major leak. I'm naturally sceptical about such tales, but I actually saw somebody at the Shepton Mallet show giving a Gaslow bottle an angle-grinder haircut, so this horror story has some credibility.

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Derek Uzzell - 2007-05-01 8:34 AM


However, I have heard tales of startlingly inept installation, one of which involved the installer modifying the Gaslow bottle's upper 'handle' with an angle-grinder to allow it to fit in the locker but failing to blunt the razor-sharp metal edge this action produced. Predictably this later cut through one of the gas hoses resulting in a major leak. I'm naturally sceptical about such tales, but I actually saw somebody at the Shepton Mallet show giving a Gaslow bottle an angle-grinder haircut, so this horror story has some credibility.




I saw first hand exactly what you have described in a motorhome in Portugal. Also saw the badly lacerated hand that went with it.


If I had not seen the mess they had made I would not have believed it.



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I rarely recommend one supplier over another but this is a one of those occasions. I would suggest strongly to any potential 'refillable' buyers that you look at MTH Autogas who supply nice red cylinders that have one huge advantage: they incorporate a built-in float gauge so you can easily see exactly how much gas is really left. (As you know, pressure gauges are completely useless until all the liquid gas has been used up, which is exctly when it's too late!).


They are also quite a bit cheaper than Gaslow, and their people seem to do good installation jobs - ask Dave Newell.


Mel E


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Mel E - 2007-05-01 6:11 PM



I rarely recommend one supplier over another but this is a one of those occasions. I would suggest strongly to any potential 'refillable' buyers that you look at MTH Autogas who supply nice red cylinders that have one huge advantage: they incorporate a built-in float gauge so you can easily see exactly how much gas is really left. (As you know, pressure gauges are completely useless until all the liquid gas has been used up, which is exctly when it's too late!).


They are also quite a bit cheaper than Gaslow, and their people seem to do good installation jobs - ask Dave Newell.


Mel E





Another good selling point for the MTH bottle is the fact that they have one model where the top guard is bolted on and unlike the Gaslow does not need attacking with an angle grinder to make it fit in a gas locker.



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I agree. Talk to Richard Cecil of MTH and you will get a bargain and good advice as I did.


I also saw the other aforementioned mobile company at a show cut off the top of the Gaslow bottle with an angle grinder thus removing both the handle but more importantly the protective ring of steel around the fragile brass fittings at the top of the bottle.


Not to be recommended!





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Hi Neil,


Thanks for the info on Gaslow filling connections, I just checked mine again against the installation chart and your advice, the filler pipe goes to the top connector of one bottle, and the interconnecting pipes are on the side connections of both cylinders.


I had a peculiar occurance during the next days use of the newly filled cylinders, after bouncing over those belguim roads, arrived at Geluveld and found one of the cylinder valves hard to turn on. After turning it on and then trying to light a gas hob, the gas lit and went out with a hell of a whoosh.


I thought when I refilled the cylinders and got in more gas than I thought it should have had it might have overfilled. It seems that may be the case, unless the bouncing of the MH over the bad roads had frozen the tap, as the overfilled cylinder was so close to the shut off valve, and somehow the gas regulator had allowed liquid gas into the MH copper gas pipes via a frozen open regulator.


After two attempts at lighting the gas hotplate, all returned to normal. I shall now have a nervous breakdown after refuelling the Gaslow cylinders the next time.


We are now at Delft Hout for a week, internet connection provided free of charge, site is not busy, people must know its going to rain on Monday.


Regards Terry

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