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Gas Attacks or insurance scams!!!!!!!!!!

David Dwight

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Hi Folks,


I thought I would share this information with you all, I know we have had information from the College of Anethatists but there nothing like actualy speaking to a person.


Whilst talking to the Anethatist prior to my eye operation this week I asked about gas attacks.


It would be possible to administer anasthetic. into a Motorhome/caravan BUT the people inside would all die. Giving anasthetic to someone is no problem, the problem is trying to keep them alive whilst under. Another problem would be that adults need heavier dose than children, even adults need different doses its all due to size. All anasthetics being heavier than air would drop out of the vehicle via vents.

If chloroform was used it would have to be administerd via a cloth, that is not easy to do as most people would gag and initaly struggle. There would always be some residue of anasthetic left afterwards for evidence, also people have different reactions to anasthetic, one of the main ones is being violently sick some hours afterwards. She also asked how many mysterious deaths had been reported! .

It was interesting to note that I have seen several articles this week in various magazine regarding the increasing number of gassings, if this is so Why havent the CC and the C&CC done some investigation into this? I have also just read an advert for a gas alarm it said that it should be placed about level with the sleeping person's, now do's that mean lower bunk level or Luton level?

I leave you to draw your own conclusions.




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Hi David,


Some people genuinely believe they have been gassed prior to being robbed. A very close friend of mine parked next door to my camper was robbed of £1000 from her camper at Arromanches year before last.


She was absolutley convinced that she was gassed, we had our door opened with a screwdriver just afterwards, whilst my wife was drinking a cup of lemsip I had made for her, this was 2.30am.


I heard the central door locks unlock, and looked out at a guy by the cab window looking at me. He of course scarpered, I couldn't catch him although I got out of the camper.


No one was really gassed, but anyone who has suffered a robbery and not woken up, will remark they are a light sleeper, and would have woken if someone had broken into the MH - not so it seems!


So what to do to stop sneak robberies in the early hours? if you have a sevel based vehicle strap the doors together, or fit a domestic door safety chain to the door.


Regards Terry

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Hi George,


Yep - that's where we were, on the Aires de Service, as you know there is no security on the aires or the camp site, people do and often walk in to use the camp site new facilities, you have just as much chance of being broken into on the camp site as when staying on the aires, although the aires is extremely well illuminated, and sneak thieves don't like to use a torch, so a dark camp site may just have the advantage.


We stayed on the aires about 10 - 12 times, for a couple of days at a time and have always felt quite safe, we have stayed both on the aires and on the cliff top (4 euro) since with no problems.


The police are - were aware of the problem and posted notices, also special plain clothes patrols, so they are doing something about it. As you know you are exposed to this type of activity where ever you park, so normal security procedures should be taken. My close friend who lost so much money had a good alarm system, but did not arm it after my warnings, had it been armed the alarm would have activated as soon as the door locks had been sprung, or the door opened slightly.


Regards Terry

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Guest JudgeMental


thieving is a old as prostitution.


A skill like any other, passed down through generations.


children have been used for it for centurys.


"you've got to pick a pocket or two"


vehicle manufacturers don't help with poor security

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Terrytraveller - 2007-04-28 1:13 PM




We stayed on the aires about 10 - 12 times, for a couple of days at a time and have always felt quite safe, we have stayed both on the aires and on the cliff top (4 euro) since with no problems.


So where is this clifftop Terry ? Actually in Arromanches ?

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Do you both mean that you can actually park there over night ?

Only reading terry's post I think that it is implied ? I may be wrong.

When we went 3 weeks ago we ended up on the Municple site only because it was Easter and we could not get into the Aire . We only spent the one night and took off the next day.


Would be nice to know of other places thanks.

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Hi Michele,


Do you know here the 360 deg electric cinema is on the cliff top?, well that's where you can park for 4 euro p/n. There is a free road train (navette) which runs hourly back and forth between cliff top and town centre and stops by the museum.


The police cabin (closed in the evening) where they take your money has a sign 'Camping Interdict', this sign refers to tents, not overnight parking for MH's. The police do patrol it at night, unfortunately I know the police sergent, and he said in an Inspector Cluso accent (you will need to imagine the accent) " You will not recognise us - we will be in disguise - but we will be there".


I recognised him immediately dressed in an Hawaiian shirt and large automatic pistol at his side :-) I asked him if I could borrow his pistol, he unholstered it and handed it over, but took it back before he left on patrol a little while later (yes really - I jest not)


Regards Terry



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Just a wee addition that may help.  Camping, like a lot of things, has a specific definition in France.

If you park a motorhome, and eat, even sleep, and move on, you have not "camped", provided you have nothing other than the wheels in contact with the ground.

If, however, you stop your motorhome at the side of a road, albeit in a lay-by alongside the road, and get out a folding chair and sit on it, unroll your awning, even put down your steadies, you are technically "camping": whether eating, sleeping, or not.  Ditto in a car park.  The police will then be liable to caution you (verbalise) and move you on.

I think this is probably the origin of all those nice picnic areas, where you can stop to eat, and get out the tables and chairs, without being "verbalised" for camping.  "Camping" is generally banned in France in public places, car parks, and alongside roads.  "Parking" is generally permitted, unless otherwise stated.

You just have to be a bit careful that you don't accidentally "camp" while "parked"!

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Thanks GUY's ............


St, Come found it .....another one good.

Thanks alot for the information .............

David hope you don't mind but it's more information you were giving so hope its ok,...............


Does anyone know of anything near Utah Beach ...any Aires Camp municipals or cheapies for the lads....

St Mere Eglise & Point du Hoc .....Would be grateful of any sugesstions...If anyone knows of any little hide aways.


Kindest Regards




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Brian Kirby - 2007-04-29 12:38 PM

Just a wee addition that may help.  Camping, like a lot of things, has a specific definition in France.

If you park a motorhome, and eat, even sleep, and move on, you have not "camped", provided you have nothing other than the wheels in contact with the ground.

If, however, you stop your motorhome at the side of a road, albeit in a lay-by alongside the road, and get out a folding chair and sit on it, unroll your awning, even put down your steadies, you are technically "camping": p>

I was reading the French Camping/Parking rules on another website and it also stated that:-The vehicle must not occupy more space than in a closed state e.g no open windows. Attention:- an open window is equivalent to camping.Do you think a roof light would fall into this catagory? After all it doesn't increase the area of parking.
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Horses for courses, I think, and the application of common sense.  Sliding windows I very much doubt would be noted, but projecting windows?  In a crowded car park someone is likely to walk into a projecting window, on a hot day in a village square parking at lunch time I doubt anyone would take any notice.  After all, you can stop a car with the windows open and not be accused of camping!  But rooflights?  :-)

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Well, they should read Le Monde du Camping Car, like I do!  It's their magazine (French) and has published several articles over the years on the definitions of parking, camping, and the risks of being "verbalised" by the french police for inappropriate camping.  I assume the reason the mag publishes, is precisely because many native French do not know the legal position either.  So, I just report what the French magazine tells me!  D'accord?
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