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5 watt halogen reading lights


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Hi, can i ask if anyone has 5 watt hallogen reading lights in their van, we have been searching for something suitable, but to be honest, there are some ugly lights out there.

we found some we liked, but needing 4 at a total cost of £80.00 i need to be reasured that they would be bright enough to read by and offer a non glaring backround light, i estimate that lieing down in bed that they would be aproximatly 4 feet away from any reading matter and sat up about 2 feet, the ones we had in our auto-sleeper clubman were ok, but in ten years we never changed a bulb, so never new the wattage.

anyone any idea?

thanks in advance


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Hi- we had 10w halogens in our Rapido, and though the unit could be angled to some extent, we only found them just about satisfactory for reading in winter conditions. They did keep you warm, though, sitting directly under them!

I think we shall have the same, though different design and more 'angle-able' in the new Burstner, so hope they will be better.

However, there are a lot of the new LED type ones around now, and we saw quite afew of theese when at the NEC show earlier in the year. I think the light output (dependant on the number of LEDs of course) is higher therfore brighter, possibly a better spread light, and a lot cooler, using much less current.

We've specified a couple of these to be added as cab reading lights, and they were quite a good price. You can also buy LED bulb units to replace the halogen fitments.

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You need 10 watt halogen bulbs to get enough light for reading.


The cheapest well-made ones I have found are at Ikea - the Trettio range which comes in packs of 1, 3 or 5 lights. They are being replaced by the rather more expensive Grundval range at 8.99 for the single and 16.99 for the 3 pack (I have no price for the 5s).


The pack includes a 240v to 12v electronic transformer which you simply throw away. The lights are, however, not switched, so you either wire a switch for each one or for as many as you want switched together. Last time I did a motorhome, I used a Maplin's push on - push off switch which is available in black or silver.


A much more expensive alternative is to use 12v LED lights - there's a current/very recent thread bout these.


Mel E


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We have four 5 watt Halogen lights in our Van. I fitted them. They are made by Hella (Banbury) and sold as map reading lights. Three versions all use the same bulb. One compact unit and two on bendy stalks of different lengths. They include an ON/OFF switch. We have one at each corner of our double bed in the camper.


Hope that helps




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