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brake light switch


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the day before we went away at easter - the brake lights on our fiat ducato were not working, so I rang the local fiat garage, (luckily enough only 200 yards up the road from where we live) and the mechanic there said he would have a look to see what the problem was - I had aready checked the fuse.

Anyhow - he adjusted something! he didn't say what - but afterwards the brakelights worked and we were able to go away as planned.

They stopped working again - and I only found out when I stopped at a level crossing and the man from the car behind told me!

When I got on site I called the breakdown service and they found a someone who would fit a new one if I could get one - and anyhow I couldn't get one - Charles tried Fiat, Halfords etc and no-one kept them in stock! He was at home putting shelves up and me out working with south lincs da.

So on Sunday morning Charles had come over and was going to follow me home, so I thought well nothing gained and nothing lost if I take the brake light switch out and have a look.

Well on inspection the little switch that goes in and out switching the lights on and off was not touching the plate on the brake pedal, so that should mean the brake lights would be on. Am I right in that assumption - well that was what I assumed.

I took the switch off and disconnected the leads and we took it apart, it is so simple there is nothing to go wrong - Charles pried apart/closed up the electrical connection and I put it all back together again and it worked, the brake lights were on (as the relay was out) - and when we pressed the relay they went off. All ok I thought.

so I put the switch back in it's holder and twisted it so the lugs were at a 90 deg angle to the cutouts, but the relay did not touch the plate on the brake pedal - so I fixed up a 'heath robinson device'! and taped a 1/4 bit of wood onto the brake pedal plate - and they worked - on off, with the brake pedal, so got home safely - with charles travelling behind just in case.

we have ordered a new one from Halfords - but why does the relay not touch the brake pedal - what did the fiat man adjust that day?

My knowledge only goes so far, can the brake pedal be adjusted, there does seem to be a bit of play in it! and if so how? Is it a garage jobbie?

Answers on a postcard please

:-S :-S

many thanks in anticipation




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You are right in your assumption that the lights would be on if the brake pedal is not touching.


Could the plate adjust - or is it fixed? Is it very thin? May be it is bent? Hard to say without seeing so may be a garage jobbie.


Pat's other half - Chris

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