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Booking CCC sites on line


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Once again I have tried to book a CCC site using their Club Rez on line booking service. I tried using a Maestro card - rejected. There is then no alternative but to go through the whole booking procedure again to try with my Mastercard - only to be rejected again. Both cards are valid and work without problems on other sites. This has happened to me several times now and I wonder if anyone else has suffered from this irritating problem. Is it the system or is it me?


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We booked a site and ferry crossing on two separate occasions several weeks ago and it accepted my visa card but I have had the odd blip on some consumer sites when I've used my switch card.

Why not bring it up with the bank . . . isn't that what we pay our charges for?

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I have had no problem with using a Credit or Debit Card on the Club site, because I cannot log on to the site in the first place! I enter the details required in an effort to enter the 'members Only' section , to be told that my details are incorrect. I then 'phone the 0845 number to the membership department, who assure that my details are correct and I will have no trouble in future. The next time I try, lo and behold, the same thing happens. Because of the restricted opening hours and my working hours, often without use of a telephone, I rarely can contact the membership department, and when I do I get the assurance that it will not happen next time! Perhaps I should join the Caravan Club! :'(
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Well that confused me.  Did you mean to say " . . . join the Caravan Club" or the Camping & Caravan Club?  If you arn't a member of the CC then you won't get on anyway.

I'm assuming that you are a member of the CC so here's what you could try.

My guess is that you may have a corrupted cookie so here's what to do to delete them:-

1.  Look in C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Cookies and delete any references to the Caravan Club.

2.  Go into Start | Control Panel | Internet Options and delete your Temporary Internet Files (middle section, [delete files] button).

3.  Finally go into C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files and delete any cookies that refer to The Caravan Club.

Now go back to the CC web site and log into the members section.  Log out again, close your internet browser, restart your internet browser and try logging back into the CC members area again.

Let us know how you get on.


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Way2Go - 2007-05-02 8:40 AM

Well that confused me.  Did you mean to say " . . . join the Caravan Club" or the Camping & Caravan Club?  If you arn't a member of the CC then you won't get on anyway.

I'm assuming that you are a member of the CC so here's what you could try.

My guess is that you may have a corrupted cookie so here's what to do to delete them:-

1.  Look in C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Cookies and delete any references to the Caravan Club.

2.  Go into Start | Control Panel | Internet Options and delete your Temporary Internet Files (middle section, [delete files] button).

3.  Finally go into C:\Documents and Settings\yourname\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files and delete any cookies that refer to The Caravan Club.

Now go back to the CC web site and log into the members section.  Log out again, close your internet browser, restart your internet browser and try logging back into the CC members area again.

Let us know how you get on.


Hi Way2Go,

Much easier way to clear all temporary files and all cookies is to download EZ Clear, it's freeware - link attached.

I use it everytime I log off, it takes around 10 seconds and clears everything. Be aware though, the first time that you run it, it may take longer if you've not regularly deleted temporary files and cookies.


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That's fine and thanks for that.  However, some cookies will need to be retained for things like logins to forums and online banking etc.  If these are deleted you will need to type in your login details the next time you want to login.
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Way2Go - 2007-05-03 2:30 PM That's fine and thanks for that.  However, some cookies will need to be retained for things like logins to forums and online banking etc.  If these are deleted you will need to type in your login details the next time you want to login.

Sorry, don't agree.

If you use the web for on-line banking or shopping or any other service where you have to provide personal financial details, surely you log-off from the website once you have completed the transaction, if you don't you are leaving your account "open" and this could be very dangerous.

Once you log back on to an account, new "cookies" will automatically be generated.

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that may be true with on-line banking (which I always log out of) but that was just by way of an example.

I belong to several forum and do a lot of shopping on-line.  If I delete all my cookies then I have to login again whenever I visit them all instead of it saying "Welcome back.  This is what happened since you were last with us".

But if you're quite happy signing in every time that's fine.

Anyway, back to you plot . . . have you managed to keep the CC id and password credentials Peter?

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