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Ducato Date & Time set up


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Hi just taken delivery of 2018 2.3 MWB Ducato panel van for conversion.   Very pleased so far but found issue with the Multifunction Screen setup.  It's only showing limited options (Speed Beep,  Buzzer Volume & Service) so, for instance, I cannot set correct Date & Time.  Not the end of the world I guess but annoying having the wrong time flashing on the screen. The dealer said he had to replace the original uConnect radio etc (assume it had a problem of some kind) as part of the preparation/servicing of the vehicle and put in a Pioneer unit (at a Fiat dealer I'm told).  I've seen suggestions that this might cause the problem?

Any advice out there about accessing the missing options would be gratefully received.  Cheers.

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Ducatos with the factory U-connect radio were configured to set the date and time through the radio. Vehicles without the OE radio from the factory use the dashboard setup.

Removal of the OE radio inhibits the capability, and may also cause other symptoms, such as a flashing odometer (signalling that something which should be present has "gone missing").

It is usually possible to overcome this by reconfiguring the vehicle's electronics such that it recognises the fact that the radio is not present. The settings should then revert to being available via the dash.

The process is known as a Proxi-alignment, and needs dealer-level software, or, if you purchase or can find someone with a laptop with the Multiecuscan software (or AlfaOBD on a PC or phone) then it can be achieved (carefully) by DIY.



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Hi thanks for the quick reply.  So if it was replaced by a Fiat dealer (as we've been told) then they should also have done what you said but probably didn't?  Any views how big a job (& money) this would be for a Fiat dealer ?  The place I got the van from is 300+ miles away so don't really want to go back to them.  
Also would replacing the Pioneer with uConnect unit be an option if I could find one?


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I have multiecuscan, so have never bothered about dealer cost of Prox-align (though I haven't needed to do it on my vans yet anyway). I think you'd have to enquire (and dealers aren't, in my experience, cheap).

There's always a chance that isn't the issue, but it is a common issue after radio replacement, so my money's on it.

I'm pretty sure the U-connect radios are coded to the vehicle (I'm happy to be proven wrong) which would probably mean that a replacement radio would need configuring in........via a Proxi-align!

If you have a laptop, Multiecuscan and the required OBD connectors for full-function near-dealer level intervention costs around £100. It allows multiple adjustments and investigations, and such things as service and oil light resets. Extremely useful if you do any of your own work on the vehicle.

(The alternative, depending on where you are, is to find a member on here:


...nearby, who is volunteering help)  



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3 minutes ago, JahW said:

Oh a final follow up thought (a long shot), could the missing options be available via the new Pioneer unit?

It depends what model the radio is. I believe some units dedicated to the Ducato do carry some of the functions through (Not sure about Pioneer, and it's unlikely because they tend to be the high-end units and attach to the Canbus - no harm in looking, though).

Do you have a flashing odometer?


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Thanks.  No the mileage is not flashing and seems correct.  The only thing flashing is the clock, showing the wrong time tho it changes over time.  The date is not flashing but is also wrong (I assume it increments each day).  As I say it's not the end of the world I guess but is annoying.  (Also just realised the 'Headlight alignment corrector' option is not available which might be a bigger deal).

I'll contact a Fiat specialist sometime to see if I can get a price.

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Just a thought. The options available through the mode button are different with engine on, and ignition on but engine off (more available in the latter case).

I can't remember what the more limited set with the engine running are, but date/time adjustment is definitely only shown ignition on/engine off.

You might try it in both states to see whether you get the additional options.

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Right, I've had a deeper think and look.

The lack of flashing odometer leads me to believe that a Proxi-align might well have been done when the radio was substituted, as it's presence is the main indicator of it not having been.

I'd posted on the varying options appearing on the mode button above, but the info wasn't quite complete:

All "mode" options should be available with ignition on and the vehicle stationary. Various options (including the time setting) are inhibited (to the extent that they don't appear) with the vehicle moving (On mine, all appear with the engine running but vehicle stationary). 

I'd try to change date/time via the "mode" button with ignition on but engine off.

The headlamp adjustment works only with the engine running and the dipped beams on. (without this, the symbols don't appear in the instrument panel). Again, check that you're in this mode.


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Hi yes I read in the manual that options are reduced with engine running.  I tried both ways and it's the same, just 3 options available.  Thanks for your help.  Was hoping there might be a clever little "hack" to get round it but it's not to be.  Cheers again 👍

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Just read your last response.  I'll try your suggestion of running engine with dipped beams on to see if that adjustment option appears.  But as I say I've tried with engine running and stationary, and just ignition on but it's the same both ways, so not hopeful.  Guess I can always manually adjust the lights if needed.

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