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Replacement Engine Battery


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This earlier forum discussion may be useful


assuming that your Hymer carries its starter-battery in a compartment in the floor on the left side of the cab and the battery size is 

Length=393 mm

Width=175 mm

Height (including terminals)=190 mm

I suggest you fit a Varta "Silver Dynamic" battery (example advert here)


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Derek's recommendation seems to be very suitable.  However, when I contacted the supplier another option was suggested; YUASA XBX5020 said to be more powerful and the one of choice. Perhaps the differences are negligible and both would be suitable,  has anyone any experience of the this battery?

Thanks again.

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Tayna currently advertises the '020-size' batteries shown on this link


I'm pretty sure that the YUASA battery suggested to you was a YBX5020 (not XBX5020) . This has a slightly higher CCA than the VARTA one (950A versus 920A) is heavier (26.30kg versus 24.48kg) and (from Tayna and including delivery charges) about £1 cheaper. Both have a 5 years warranty.

There is a caveat with YUASA starter batteries - although they all carry a code in which the date of manufacture is embedded, a buyer cannot easily identify the date as the code varies according to which factory made the battery. If YUASA (UK) is contacted and given a battery's code they should be able to say when the battery was made, but it's still a potential nuisance. Conversely, it's straightforward to identify a VARTA battery's date of manufacture.

Either should be fine.

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