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We have the bread trays - Now what?


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As Clive so wisely said, if you have twin rear wheel drive then you won't need bread trays or any other anti-skid device.


Our last m'home had twin rear wheels (Iveco chassis) and 4.2 tonnes, but we never had a wheel even suggest slipping - while all around were being towed by tractors out of the mud patches they had created with their inexpert driving of front drive Fiats.


As for illegal use of bread trays - just like insurance fraud, there is no such thing as a victimless crime. The ultimate customer pays in the end - in this case in bread prices. And if everyone is at it, as claimed above, then there's no wonder the 'umble loaf costs so much . . .


Mel E


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JudgeMental - 2007-05-08 10:48 PM


I am afraid that ignorance is no defense in British law...


whether your trays are cut down or not mere possession will be an easy offense for even a mediocre barrister to prove.


and if you are unfortunate enough to appear before me. I will have no alternative but to punish with the full weight of the law at my disposal. my hands are tied - the Pillsbury dough boy will have it no other way!


and may God have mercy on your poor retched souls...


CRUMBS JUDGE! you can't have it both ways ... you admitted that you have cut down 4 earlier on this posting so I'm afraid you've got to go and hang yourself first, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all that (just trying to keep the 'Tony' aspect going in his absence you understand!!! (lol) )


Our trays came from the local drain where some yobbos (technical term) had slung them, somehow I don't think the bakery wanted them back ... they could've collected them of course (along with the shopping trollies that seem to gather there every now and then) but I was doing my bit for the environment by recycling them into something useful and removing them from the drain so that all the wildlife (and rats!) could enjoy swimming about in the lovely unpolluted water. It's also where we used to get a good supply of calor gas bottles to pass on to those in need ... oh I do love doing my bit of 'charity' work!


Mandy - come on girl, what did you expect of the motley crew on here? At least it's given them some meaning to life to be able to condemn us and add a bit of excitement to their day ... just pretend that it's them that you're driving your van onto and not the trays ... I've given my trays names ... can you guess what they are called??????? (lol) (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Brian Kirby - 2007-05-09 3:49 PM


Most motorhomers do it?  Who says?  Got the evidence for that claim? 






Only visual, not in black and white, let's settle for a 'lot' rather than 'Most'.

And No, no consciece about using them, they ARE good at what they do.

I never 'nicked' them, they were a gift from a grateful customer, who gave me them in lieu of payment........ so I sleep peacefully. never getting 'that sinking feeling' .


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Guest JudgeMental

"CRUMBS JUDGE! you can't have it both ways ... you admitted that you have cut down 4 earlier on this posting so I'm afraid you've got to go and hang yourself first,"


AH! simple entrapment my Dear nothing more nothing less!


if its good enough for the FBI it good enough for us custodians of the LAW...


This is a sting operation, I have been employed by MI5 to carry out a sting operation on behalf of the Pillsbury dough boy.


your ISPs have been contacted and summons are on the way - you had better have receipts ready! :-D

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Rayjsj - 2007-05-09 8:30 PM
Brian Kirby - 2007-05-09 3:49 PM Most motorhomers do it?  Who says?  Got the evidence for that claim?  Only visual, not in black and white, let's settle for a 'lot' rather than 'Most'. And No, no consciece about using them, they ARE good at what they do. I never 'nicked' them, they were a gift from a grateful customer, who gave me them in lieu of payment........ so I sleep peacefully. never getting 'that sinking feeling' . :D

Well, there you are.  I always knew you were a good, kind, man under that bluff exterior! :-)

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JudgeMental - 2007-05-09 9:13 PM "CRUMBS JUDGE! you can't have it both ways ... you admitted that you have cut down 4 earlier on this posting so I'm afraid you've got to go and hang yourself first," AH! simple entrapment my Dear nothing more nothing less! if its good enough for the FBI it good enough for us custodians of the LAW... This is a sting operation, I have been employed by MI5 to carry out a sting operation on behalf of the Pillsbury dough boy. your ISPs have been contacted and summons are on the way - you had better have receipts ready! :-D

Ere, you can't import them American practices over here!  Stings is illegal in Hingland, take 100 lashes!  FBI indeed!  I'll have that new Minsiter of Justice onto you, I will.

Sorree, off topic!

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michele - 2007-05-09 9:18 PM



We would be so funny if we didn't take ourself so serious ..

Mandy Go girl split it in half & spread it .... ;-)


Michele ... you read my mind ... just what I was thinking of doing to the Judge! (lol) (lol) (lol)

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Guest JudgeMental
Mel B - 2007-05-09 9:53 PM


michele - 2007-05-09 9:18 PM


Michele ... you read my mind ... just what I was thinking of doing to the Judge! (lol) (lol) (lol)


It has come to my attention that both you girlie things appear to post on this forum whilst obviously half cut?


ladies, please, please, imbibe in moderation and endeavor to control your urges!


or I will have to arrange therapy via Mrs Mental 12 steps program - a prospect that even makes my good self shudder.

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£40,000 on a brand new van, and rather than spend a couple of pounds buying the correct items you,ve not only left yourself open to criminal charges, but possible injury modifying stolen property. You then compound this felony by involving and asking other users their advice, therefore making them accomplices, and adding corruption to this growing list of unwarranted misdemeanours.

We all had such high hopes and expectations of you Mandy, and I urge you to reconsider your actions that have left so many of us so deeply disappointed.


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I nearly ran over some trays in a supermarket carpark, which if I had would have caused considerable damage to my vehicle.

I went to the manager with said trays and informed hime of the potential danger of trays and other items being scattered in such a manner. On close examination he verified that they were not from their suppliers. As luck would have it there was police attendance at the premises,nothing serious they were buying their lunch. I approached the officers to inform them of some lost property, they looked at me as if I was a nutter,perhaps I am. They would not take the trays as lost property,so I did!!

Surely like any industry they have allowances for 'slippage' and surely they should charge a deposit to the supermarkets, if it was substantial it would ensure they are kept safely and not just left outside the shop.

An alternative would be to use a strong cardboard tray which could then be disposed of by composting.

Oh and BTW the trays are brilliant for grip on wet grass!!!!! (lol) (lol) (lol)

Prior to that I used rubber link mats £1.99 from Wilkinsons.

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howie - 2007-05-11 7:00 AM


£40,000 on a brand new van, and rather than spend a couple of pounds buying the correct items you,ve not only left yourself open to criminal charges, but possible injury modifying stolen property. You then compound this felony by involving and asking other users their advice, therefore making them accomplices, and adding corruption to this growing list of unwarranted misdemeanours.

We all had such high hopes and expectations of you Mandy, and I urge you to reconsider your actions that have left so many of us so deeply disappointed.


Unfortunately, Cut -down Breadtrays do the job far better than any offerings on the open market, Fiamma's 'Grip system' is useless compared to the good old breadtrays... the only thing that comes close are the ' rubber road' items that some garden centres stock.

Ignore the 'profits of doom and gloom' .

They probably can't find any to cut down.......




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will redfearn - 2007-05-11 12:35 PM


Prior to that I used rubber link mats £1.99 from Wilkinsons.


Hello Will,


Currently on sale in Morrisons at £1.99. Black only and approx 24 x 18. inches.


Local Tesco's gave me two bread trays when I asked if I could buy them.





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its not doom and gloom - its downright theft. is it worth chancing a conviction, criminal record and maybe a week inside just for the sake of a few pounds.


why park on mud anyway. 40k for a motorhome, go on treet yourselfs and buy it a bit of hardstanding now and again.


By the way, if anyone is interested, us as a couple of dozen read rays in me and alices barn. must go to make room for next yers cow fodder. make us a good offer and ill bring em in me trailer to lincoln show.



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I,m guilty of theft me lud.

When I was little and I would also like 42 other offences taken in to consideration they include nicking pototoes out of the farmers field when me mum was skint . Cabbages apples from trees ....always food.


Oh forgot once I nicked the lead off of a building roof ...those were the days my friend ;-) used to givel it to the rag and bone man for a baloon or a gold fish. good trade ;-)

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fred grant - 2007-05-14 10:40 PM


its not doom and gloom - its downright theft. is it worth chancing a conviction, criminal record and maybe a week inside just for the sake of a few pounds.


why park on mud anyway. 40k for a motorhome, go on treet yourselfs and buy it a bit of hardstanding now and again.


By the way, if anyone is interested, us as a couple of dozen read rays in me and alices barn. must go to make room for next yers cow fodder. make us a good offer and ill bring em in me trailer to lincoln show.

Put a couple by for me Fred. ;-)
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  • 4 years later...
howie - 2007-05-11 7:00 AM


£40,000 on a brand new van, and rather than spend a couple of pounds buying the correct items you,ve not only left yourself open to criminal charges, but possible injury modifying stolen property. You then compound this felony by involving and asking other users their advice, therefore making them accomplices, and adding corruption to this growing list of unwarranted misdemeanours.

We all had such high hopes and expectations of you Mandy, and I urge you to reconsider your actions that have left so many of us so deeply disappointed.



I was looking for something for snow like snow chains threads . I came across this . This one in particular had me laughing so much OM god I will have to stop reading it so funny . hope it make syou all laugh again .

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It's funny but when I see Andy getting those trays out it still makes me smile when I think back to this thread.


Thanks for the reminder, have tried other so called wheel spinning prevention and anti slip mats but nothing can touch our bread baskets :-D :-D



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Wow, 2007 !! doesn't time fly when you are enjoying yourself, I finally escaped from 'Devils island' where the 'Judge' had me sent, I made a raft out of 'Coconut trays' and floated away to paradise.

Well..... Fishguard. Now how do I return these trays ??? I know, I'll cut them down with a jigsaw.........


What goes around,comes around. the 'recyclers' mantra. *-) Ray

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