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Generators on CLs & CSs


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The recent threads on this subject and our own recent experience

lead me to suggest the following:

Clearly this is an emotive subject some want, some don't. I personally detest the noise and exhaust pollution these things produce. If the CC and CCC were lobbied in sufficient numbers could site owners then prohibit or otherwise the use of gennies which would then be in the guides.


We would all then have a clear choice. If a guide shows generators permitted you can choose.


Is this a bad idea or the potential for a way forward?

by the way Clive I loved your mobile genny. Is it quiet though (?)



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ChrisD - 2007-05-07 8:26 PM


The recent threads on this subject and our own recent experience

lead me to suggest the following:

Clearly this is an emotive subject some want, some don't. I personally detest the noise and exhaust pollution these things produce. If the CC and CCC were lobbied in sufficient numbers could site owners then prohibit or otherwise the use of gennies which would then be in the guides.


We would all then have a clear choice. If a guide shows generators permitted you can choose.


Is this a bad idea or the potential for a way forward?


Even though I've been in the middle of the recent debate, I think it would be a good idea.


I would also ban the use of noisy aircon units as well.


Perhaps I'd put in the small print 'genny allowed for 15 minutes every three days for ladies' vanity purposes only'

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They are really intrusive. Last night we were near a genny running from 7-10pm and it was driving me mad. Had to drink more to drown my sorrows.

I really think there should be rules or at least only allow the quiet honda types for a set, shorter period.

I notice that generators are more and more prevelant at shows these days.

We camp 3-5 nights on 2 x120 batteries and no electric or solar panel and still run a tv so WHY do people have to put a genny on when they arrive on the first night?


I agree with your proposal as I am afraid that I am not bold enough to say anything to a generator owner.


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ChrisD - 2007-05-07 7:26 PM The recent threads on this subject and our own recent experience lead me to suggest the following: Clearly this is an emotive subject some want, some don't. I personally detest the noise and exhaust pollution these things produce. If the CC and CCC were lobbied in sufficient numbers could site owners then prohibit or otherwise the use of gennies which would then be in the guides. We would all then have a clear choice. If a guide shows generators permitted you can choose. Is this a bad idea or the potential for a way forward? by the way Clive I loved your mobile genny. Is it quiet though (?) Chris

Hi Chris,

I can't really see the point of lobbying either the CC or the CCC, just about all of their sites have hook-up therefore a generator is not relevant.

In terms of the CC CL's or the CCC CS's this is a different matter. The CL's or CS's are owned by landowners/farmers and are not managed by the two Clubs.

Even though they take guidelines from the Clubs, it would be the owners decision whether or not they allow generators.

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Have you removed your avator, to hide from me

Well guess who`s parking next to you the weekend (lol)

WHY DO PEOPLE USE A GENERATOR, we only use ours when really ness.

Never take it with us if on a site.

BUT YES WE COULD BE ONE OF THE CULPRITS AT THE SHOWS, many of times it hasnt come out of the locker, its a matter of taking it, JUST INCASE .

I would not run it for hours, but even if i say it myself there are a lot of cheap nasty noisier ones than ours.


Chris notice your flying again, (lol) and no i am not buying a honda unless its got 2 wheels.

Will make sure your tank is full the weekend, and got some ear plugs. >:-)

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Hello Chris D,

The genny in question was one of many powering floats at the West Country carnival when it went through Shepton Mallet. Many were either a quarter or half a Megawatt and made a lot of noise.


For camping I prefer a low amp draw regime in the motorhome and a sizeable solar panel.


Peace (and queit) be with us all.



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Hi Carebear

Hows it going?

You I must say are a considerate genny owner unlike some. I appreciate your needs with the genny and know you dont use it endlessly. In fact I have rarely seen you use it!


My grief is the people who have it on constantly.


Anyway I have my earplugs ready and the tank will definately be full for the weekend and hope the weather is fine. See you there and will text you when arriving.


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If I know that I’m going to want to run a genie for the hair dryer, I’ll check with the site owner if it’s ok before arriving, if it’s not I’ll go somewhere else.


I suggest that those that are anti do the same in order to avoid the type of people that are happy to spend their leisure time without criticising or judging others.


Easy really.


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Victor Meldrew - 2007-05-08 3:54 PM


If I know that I’m going to want to run a genie for the hair dryer, I’ll check with the site owner if it’s ok before arriving, if it’s not I’ll go somewhere else.


I suggest that those that are anti do the same in order to avoid the type of people that are happy to spend their leisure time without criticising or judging others.


Easy really.


It was talking to a CL owner last week, discussing with her the now famous 'hairdryer problem' that prompted me to buy one. She said it's no problem and many of her guests use them.


A CS owner in Wales said 'don't worry, my wife will sort something out for them (my wife and daughter)'


Personally, I would rather pay £4.50 for a CL/CS without EHU than pay £8.50 for one with. This was the choice I had for my booking in Conwy.

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