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Truma C6002 no water heating


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Hi Guys,

hope you can help me, before contacitng truma service.
I have 2008 Trumatic C6002 (gas operating only) and Iam the first owner.

Truma air heating is working normal, but it does not want to start heating water. 

Water flow is normal (external water pump) and no air inside system.

I can get some warm water when air heating is on - its because all truma gets warm, so water inside also gets little warm.

There are no red codes, green light only, but no orange light when moved to position 40, 60 or air+60.

When i turn knob on switch very very slowly the orange light shows up for less than a 0,1 second. Also i can hear light click in truma when moving switch to position 40 or 60, but it does not start.
It looks like that truma “thinks” that there are no water in boiler or the water is hot enough 😳

Funny thing is that same situation i had last year and i made an appointment to truma service. But then system starts works normally and i cancelled appointment. It “repaired” it self 🙂

Does anybody ever has a same or similar isssue?

Thanks for help.

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There are several previous forum discussions about problems with Truma Trumatic-C C-6002 heaters. This 2015 thread is an example and, although it does not deal with the 'no water heating' fault you have, it may still be worth reading.


Two of my motorhomes had Trumatic-C heaters and - to the best of my knowledge - (for gas-only heaters like a C-6002) there is no check made as to the water-tank being full when water-heating-only is chosen. Obviously deliberately selecting water-heating-only without there being water in the water-tank would be a perverse thing to do, but doing should not prevent the heater from entering its water-heating-only mode. (I did ask the UK Truma technicians about this years ago and was told that, once the empty metal water-tank had heated up, the heater would shut down and - as there would be no water in the tank to provide a 'heat sink' - shut-down would happen within a few minutes.)

It might be that, due to a fault with the temperature sensors attached to the water-tank's surface, your heater 'thinks' the water in the tank is already hot enough to not require heating. Or there's a fault with the heater's control-panel. Or there's a fault with the heater's printed-circuit-board (PCB).

If you haven't already done so, you might try using your C-6002 for air-heating for an extended period to see if thoroughly warming the heater's on-board electronics does any good. Otherwise you'll need to contact Truma Service.

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I have the same heater. I’ve not experienced your issue. However I did have an instance when it failed to start and examination revealed the nut securing what appeared to be one of the sensors/actuators (?) had come off so that it was miss-positioned. Replacing the nut with the addition of some some lock-nut sorted it.

So I suggest that given that it worked, stopped working, then worked and later stopped again, the first step is to get a torch and give the boiler a good check over for loose connections, especially electrical ones. The boiler gets a good shaking being in a van.

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