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Rapido wastewater tank


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Have any other Rapido owners come across this problem? Our van is a 966M model bought secondhand. In a sudden burst of feverish activity we decided to remove the interior (under seat) screw top to the waste tank, mainly to see whether it drained away completely. Not possible - the round hole in the seatbase missed the tank opening by a few inches, just enough to prevent the top being removed. We hesitate to take a saw to it!



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We have a Rapido 740F (1998) and my Husband is not happy with the waste water drainage both from the sink and from the grey water drain tap. He is convinced that there is a lot more left in the tank after the water has more or less stopped running. I think he is going to investigate if he can get at any other way into the tank.


I have read about other Rapido owners who are unhappy with the drainage system.

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Are you saying that, because the hole in the seat-base is mis-aligned, you can't reach the screw-cap sufficiently well to be able to unscrew it, or that you can unscrew it but then can't manoeuvre the cap out through the access hole?


If the former, then you could perhaps make (or have made) a 'tool' to allow you to apply leverage to the cap remotely. (On my Hobby I use a piece of plywood with a couple of short dowels glued into it. This is not because I can't reach the water-tank's screw-cap, it's because the cap (once screwed tight) grips like Jaws and becomes impossible to remove by hand.)


Otherwise, if you've got a size problem with the hole as it stands, then you'll have to get the saw out. In fact, increasing the hole's size so that the aperture coincides with the cap is likely to be the right thing to do whatever the present situation.


Before carrying out any surgery, check that there's nothing (like a brake-, gas- or water-pipe, or electrical cabling) hidden beneath (or buried within) the floor. Motorhome builders can be very sneaky sometimes.

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But is it really worth the bother?  You can dose the waste tank with Dettol or whatever and, if it doesn't always drain that well, there must be somewhere you can park on a slope with the drain cock downhill, pump a good proportion of fresh water into the waste, add the Dettol or whatever, leave for ten minutes or even drive round for a bit and come back, and just open the cock and let the contents fully drain away. 

If the cock is then left open for 24 hours or so, to allow the tank to air out as much as possible, it should be reasonably odour free afterwards.  There is no real need to "spring clean" it, it is, after all, the waste tank.

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We have a 972M and it is the best draining waste system on a motorhome we have owned, true the tank does not always fully drain but that depends on the angle it is sitting. The shower and sink always flow away fast if the motorhome is reasonably level and the large bore drain from the waste tank is a dream.

Put some disinfectant down the pipes each time the tank is emptied and we have had little problem.

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Oh dear, Derek.

NO!!  Nasty, smelly, dirty, hollible yuk!  Leave the poor thing alone to enjoy its decomposing peas and bits of bacon rind!  It really, really, doesn't need cleaning and polishing inside.  You'll have the Sparkle out next!  Just go to the pub instead: far better use of time!

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Thank you, Derek. We hadn't had a problem with smells, etc. It was just that when we discovered the interior opening, we naturally tried to have a look down it. It was the bad design and incorrectly cut out "hole" which caused us to ask if anyone else had had the same design problem.



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fred grant - 2007-05-14 10:30 PM


make's it meself, me handsome. us'll bring some to lincon show if you like.






As a young lad in 1952 I was stationed at RAF Watchet and in my haste to impress the locals I downed a pint of the local cider. I could not see or walk straight for a week. Luckily I had an understanding boss who had been there done that and had the T shirt. I don't think I every eaten so much plain toast since. 8-) 8-) 8-)


Fred if your coming to Lincoln we must have a get together unfortunately or fortunately I'm TT these days.



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