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adhesive graphics


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I have some " stuck on" graphics on the side of my 'van which have discoloured owing,I suspect, to the proximity of Water boiler and Fridge behind them. Has anyone removed these, and if so was the surface underneath clear or sticky. If the latter what can be used to remove the adhesive, thinners or similar ?. Provided they have not altered the colour underneath, I may dump the faded ones altogether ! My van sides are white painted aluminium, not fibreglass. Any comments will be appreciated.
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It all depends on the actual decals fitted to your vehicle. I would suspect though that when removed they will leave some of the sticky adhesives behind. If they are similar to the decals applied to caravan side walls I found from experience that white spirits work wonders.

I tried a small area out of sight first, just to check that the paint wouldn't be damaged, and it wasn't. I also found out that the White Spirits was actually brilliant at removing those black streaks that appear below the windows !! I also had a bucket and sponge to hand with plenty of fairy liquid in it so that after doing a small area I was washing it off and not leaving any residue behind.

Whats more a litre bottle will cost you just over a pound and will be more than enough to do your job.

But test a small area first !!


Hope it works for you.

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alanmac - 2007-05-13 8:52 PM I have some " stuck on" graphics on the side of my 'van which have discoloured owing,I suspect, to the proximity of Water boiler and Fridge behind them. Has anyone removed these, and if so was the surface underneath clear or sticky. If the latter what can be used to remove the adhesive, thinners or similar ?. Provided they have not altered the colour underneath, I may dump the faded ones altogether ! My van sides are white painted aluminium, not fibreglass. Any comments will be appreciated.


Google "graphic removal", there are a number of options available -


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If you heat the graphics with a hairdryer, DO NOT USE A HEAT GUN, this will reactivate the adhesive and will allow you to peel the graphics off. Any adhesive that is left behind can be cleaned off with methylated spirit on a paper towel.


I have used this method many times with great success.


John D.

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Reccomendation I had from Burstner for replacing a decal on the side of one of their vans, was to strip using a hairdryer (but not a hot air gun/electric paintstripper) to warm and soften both decal and adhesive, and then gently peel back the decal, keeping the wall surface warm all the time.  Needs patience!

Then, use white spirit to remove all traces of the adhesive.  This took time and was messy, but eventually worked.  Final clean off with washing up detergent, followed by a thorough rinse with plain water, and dry thoroughly.

To place the new decal, especially if large, spray the van wall with a very dilute washing up detergent, and apply the decal to the wet surface.  (The wet allows you to slide it around a bit.)  Then, when correctly positioned, smooth down with the edge of a credit card or similar, to squeegee out as much as possible of the water, and any air bubbles, and leave to dry.  Any moisture remaining trapped beneath will slowly evaporate away through the decal, when the adhesive will get to work. 

Not a job to do in full sun, except perhaps the peeling, or when rain is likely within 24 hours!  However, it worked!

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