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French Aires Guide in English

Don Madge

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As users of the aires for around six months each year we clearly welcome any publication which might help us and also encourage others to make use of these facilities. We are not sure however if this guide on its own will offer as much as the guides already available. We find the blue aires book (Le Guide National des Aires de Services) together with use of the excellent web site camping-cars infos provides enough info to decide if an aire looks worth a try and where it might be. Clearly the fact that the new guide is in English and 500 of the 1000 listed have been inspected by the authors is the selling point. Our grasp of French is fairly basic but we find Le Guide National easy to follow, whilst the photos and comments on the web site are really useful.

What we find most helpful of all however is feedback from fellow 'vanners about aires they have stayed on. This is always going to be better than comments based on a quick inspection visit. For example a short look round the aire at Biarritz will tell you that it now costs 10€ for 24 hours and payment is now collected by the police municiple not ticket machine. Only by staying however, do you find out that collection is at around 10. 00 am and hit and miss, so do not on your first day pay 20€ for 2 days as we did but our French neighbours did not! Heading back to France now but on return will set a new thread going, or maybe someone else will in meantime, where we can share aires news, suggest good aires, ones to avoid etc.

Thanks Chris for suggesting aire at Villerest sounds great. Another really good one is St.Clar in the Gers (32). This really is 5 star with individual pitches, great views and an easy walk to the lovely old village. No charge, and includes toilets and shower.

Enjoy using the aires.

Robert and Jean

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hi robert and jean your suggetion re site set up just for info on aires is great, last trip hubby and I made we ended up asking other uses for their ideas on good/bad aires, but having a thread dedicated would be great, Perhaps a moderator may be able to assist re this. also as you say tips re payment, location ease, would be great,
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I also think that this would be a good idea

maybe a set format to fill in

Something like:-


General directions/location

Gps co-ordinates

Pictures if possible

General view good and bad


I will record any/all Aires visited on my next trip in August and will post for anyone interested.

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