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Me and the wife enjoy camping(she would live outdoors-loves it. In Feb., instead of passing a local dealer, we popped in , liked what we saw but was advised another couple to visit the show at the NEC before making any decisions "have a good look round"

We went and yes you've guessed it, we ordered one. German/LP/2 berth/6m, perfect, part of the bungalow needed knocking down to accom. but so what.

Had to plant lots of trees to compensate for all the mags. i've read since.

What with insurance/trackers/sat nav/reversing aids/combi boilers/gas attacks etc. and THEN i've got to drive it!

Anyhow it arrived at the dealers, about on time Tuesday 15th May, my birthday, only to be told that it would be 3weeks before I could collect it

I'm guttered, how many times can they wash it, or do the P.D.I., do they come over in kit form! or will this excessive period guarantee a totally trouble free warranty period. I feel my troubles may not have yet started(reading the forum)

Good job we kept the tent.

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webbocj - 2007-05-17 9:52 PM Me and the wife enjoy camping(she would live outdoors-loves it. In Feb., instead of passing a local dealer, we popped in , liked what we saw but was advised another couple to visit the show at the NEC before making any decisions "have a good look round" We went and yes you've guessed it, we ordered one. German/LP/2 berth/6m, perfect, part of the bungalow needed knocking down to accom. but so what. Had to plant lots of trees to compensate for all the mags. i've read since. What with insurance/trackers/sat nav/reversing aids/combi boilers/gas attacks etc. and THEN i've got to drive it! Anyhow it arrived at the dealers, about on time Tuesday 15th May, my birthday, only to be told that it would be 3weeks before I could collect it I'm guttered, how many times can they wash it, or do the P.D.I., do they come over in kit form! or will this excessive period guarantee a totally trouble free warranty period. I feel my troubles may not have yet started(reading the forum) Good job we kept the tent.


The only excuse that the dealer can have is if they are fitting a number of additional extras for you, awning, reversing camera, aerial, etc, etc. If they are then 3 weeks is still too long.

If they are not fitting additional extras, I suggest that you contact the General Manager and in a firm but polite manner, insist that the vehicle should be available for collection in 5 days. 

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Not wishing to shoot myself in the foot,at the moment, Iwill just say that when my daughter required warranty work on her new caravan at THEIR OTHER BRANCH at Huddersfield, she had to take it and leave it and they would do it when they could. Because of a planned trip they arranged to collect it-even tho. the most serious work had not been carried out, to receive a letter the day before saying they had the part in stock(l&r hand) cancelled hols. to get work completd.

She warned my wife yesterday that to get ANY work done be it warranty or service will have to be booked MONTHS in advance. How do you plan terminal warranty work.

As you can see from the time I have had another sleepless night wondering how to deal with the problem. I conclude that the dealers are having a great time with increased SALES but but the rest of the system cannot cope. Do I tell them to stuff it where the sun don't shine to go down the same road later on!!

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webbocj - 2007-05-18 6:21 AM

Do I tell them to stuff it where the sun don't shine to go down the same road later on!!


I assume you have a deposit down on this deal, and stand to lose this if you walk away? I think for the sake of three weeks (seeing as you've probably been waiting at least 3 months so far) you should just stick it out.


I have a van on order from a local dealer and have been very tempted to cancel because I've since found their customer service to be pretty much zero as soon as I signed on the line. Doesn't bode well for the future. However I stand to lose a fair bit of money as my deposit and I refuse to let them keep that just for filling out one form and then ignoring me.


Personally, considering how much these things cost, I think the industry as a whole has serious Customer Service issues. For example. I've been mailing several converters trying to find a company willing to perform some work for me. Only IH showed me the courtesy of even bothering to reply.

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webbocj - 2007-05-18 6:21 AM  As you can see from the time I have had another sleepless night wondering how to deal with the problem. I conclude that the dealers are having a great time with increased SALES but but the rest of the system cannot cope. Do I tell them to stuff it where the sun don't shine to go down the same road later on!!

I think you should allow them the time they say they require to prepare your van.  It may be that it arrived with a defect, spotted during the PDI, and they are awaiting a replacement part.  If so, they may be reluctant to tell you this, since you would then be even more worried!

Before you leave to collect it, ask them if they can guarantee that the van is fault free, as it will be handed over.  Ask if they have tested the on-board systems, including gas, water, electrics etc.  If they quibble, ask them gently how they know the fridge functions on all energy supplies, or the water heater works etc.  Don't leave to collect it before you are satisfied.

When you arrive, ask for the key and quietly and methodically go over the van yourself, chacking everything.  If they won't leave you to it don't be pressured by impatient huffing and puffing, just take your time.  It'll take you at least an hour, maybe two.  List all defects, and make sure you have a copy for you and a copy for them.  Allow time for this.  If you are then satisfied, you can go through the handover procedure, and drive away in your new van.  If you find defects, ask for them to be fixed while you wait, and make clear you won't sign off the van until they are fixed.  If they say they can't fix the defects so quickly, ask them how long it will take, accept and note that timescale, fix a date to come back, leave the van with them and depart with the balance of the payment due firmly in your wallet.

When the due date comes around, phone before you leave and go through each of the defects on your list, asking if each has been fixed.  If not, repeat as above setting a new collection date.  They'll get the message, and you should get a properly PDId van!

Hopefully, just by looking, and sounding, businesslike, they'll get the message anyhow, and your van will be OK when you arrive.  Even more hopefully, they are honest hard working folk and will have done all those things before you've even thought of them.  There is a lot on a van that can be defective, sometimes needing no more than a twist of a screwdriver.  Some folk insist the dealer fixes everything, some will accept the odd loose screw as a petty niggle.  Personally, I think the first group, although technically right, border on the unreasonable; whereas the latter group probably, by only raising significant problems, present themselves as more reasonable, so possibly end up with better service.  However, that's just my view, there's no hard and fast rules, and you have to do what seems right for you.

Good luck.

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webbocj - 2007-05-18 6:21 AM Mickt. Not wishing to shoot myself in the foot,at the moment, Iwill just say that when my daughter required warranty work on her new caravan at THEIR OTHER BRANCH at Huddersfield, she had to take it and leave it and they would do it when they could. Because of a planned trip they arranged to collect it-even tho. the most serious work had not been carried out, to receive a letter the day before saying they had the part in stock(l&r hand) cancelled hols. to get work completd. She warned my wife yesterday that to get ANY work done be it warranty or service will have to be booked MONTHS in advance. How do you plan terminal warranty work. As you can see from the time I have had another sleepless night wondering how to deal with the problem. I conclude that the dealers are having a great time with increased SALES but but the rest of the system cannot cope. Do I tell them to stuff it where the sun don't shine to go down the same road later on!!

By the sound of it, you are buying from a Company based near Nottingham.

If you are, contact the Service Manager, Paul Macey, tell him how disappointed you are, (holidays booked etc), and you may find that he brings the delivery date forward.

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If it is the company Bazza mentioned then do make sure everything is OK before you hand over the money as from personal experience they will be very slow to do anything once they have your money, it will get done eventually but speed will not be of the essence
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