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Motorhome delivery date


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Hello Col,


Just a point of interest, did Marquis contact you to inform you that there would be a further 10 weeks delay or did they leave you to find this out when you visited them?


Unfortunately unless you made the order time dependant (Time is of the essence) then you probably do not have a legal case for cancellation or compensation as the order form probably contains a let out for Marquis if the delivery date is delayed by the manufacturer.


Had this very problem with VW main dealer some years ago when a new Passat was delayed by 12 weeks making the lead time 24 weeks. They kept me informed of all matters concerning the delay and loaned me a Golf until the Passat arrived. I call that maintaining good customer relations.





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Hi Mike,

I ordered at NEC on 18 February. Had a phone call after about 4 weeks asking me to choose a number plate, sounds good, which I did. Had a letter confirming sale and the delivery date after about 6 weeks. Having heard no more assumed all was in order so put my van up for sale in April. Called at Marquis about 3 weeks before van due to be told 'about to phone you and date is now July'. In 3 weeks the delivery had gone form 10 weeks to 20 weeks. Pointed out I had van up for sale and was told, by two sales people, 'not to worry we will sort out something for you when you sell yours.' Strangely enough I like the salesman I am dealing and I suspect he has been left to pick up the pieces. But I should not have been promised (more than promised I would say) 10 weeks and then a van to use if I sold my own if they did not mean it and worse still little attempt to keep me informed. It was agreed that I would phone the manager of the Preston branch last Thursday and he might have some news for me. When I did eventually get him on the phone (no promised return call) and told him who I was his reply was 'What can I do for you?' which told me nothing had been done or tried to be done! At the time of writing this they have promised to search around for me but I have heard nothing for 4 days. If they just phoned me and said we have not been able to get anything yet but we are still trying I would be a little more understanding. I do not want to cancel the order, I want to be on campsites when the sun is shining.

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Oh dear Col,


feel real sorry for you what with the summer approching fast.

The guy that had the courtsey van ! can you not phone the company again and ask it they have managed to sort his lights out yet. seeing if the you can now have the promised van. Nothing worse then when your hopes are dashed. Good Luck. *-)

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Col - 2007-05-20 3:16 PM Hi Brian, Don't you think people have a duty to keep you informed and tell the truth or is it just bad luck and judgement when they don't. I spoke to the Autosleepers CEO at NEC and he told me that they had a regular supply of Fords on line with a 10 week delivery as long as we went for one of limited colours (which we did). Then the Marquis rep confirmed it was a 10 week delivery schedule which when you consider that they are owned by Autosleepers then they have easy access to such information. How can 10 weeks become at least 20 weeks in a matter of weeks unless we have people being economical with the truth at the point of sale and I don't call that bad luck or judgement.


I certainly agree it was poor of Marquis not to tell you of the delay before you got to them.  However, I doubt you have been deliberately misled.  I think, based upon what I have heard, this has been an evolving situation where facts have been in short supply.  It is not good practice, but many people don't like phoning their customers with bad news until they know the answer to the obvious next question.  They therefore wait, the ground shifts, and they wait again, and in the meantime the delay grows.  It is not good, but it is human nature.

The main point, surely, is that you will get your new van, and you will enjoy it!  It's a shame you've been mucked around, I do sympathise, and no one seems to have done very well for you, but I'm sure it will turn out right in the end and you'll get your sunny holiday.  If still in doubt, you should be able to shift your ferry booking without penalty, to give yourself a bit more peace of mind.

Good luck.

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Hello Col,


Thanks for the reply. The thing I would find worrying about the information from Marquis is that firstly they have not kept their promise to provide a loan vehicle, secondly do not appear to have given a firm delivery date except "July" and finally do not appear to be keeping you informed except when you contact them.


In your position I would be asking for a firm delivery date and regularly checking this and the progress with the loan van which is what you appear to be doing. May I suggest that if you can get the factory order build number you may be able to find out when your van is scheduled for build and delivery to Marquis and possibly even the reason for delay.


I really do hope that you get this sorted quickly and get to a position where you can enjoy the summer sun (2007 hopefully).





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Brian and Mike,

You are right it will probably sort itself out eventually. Good point about the build number, something to follow up. What these people don't seem to get into their heads is that not returning calls or keeping the 'customer' informed is the worst possible approach. Who knows my next post might be to say that Marquis have come up with a van or managed to move my new van forward - what are those pink things up there?

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