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Parking up in Lay-by's


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I have a friend who is stuck in the process of moving house. The situation is that there will be a short period of time where he is technically 'homeless'. He has a Kon-Tiki motorhome (newly bought) and he has asked me if it is possible to park it in 'lay-by's' overnight.


I can recall reading (either here or in MMM) that if you do this you may be asked to move on. However, i was wondering if anyone knew what the legal stance was, or if anyone had anecdotal information.


Anything would be appreciated.



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Hi StuartP- Iwould advise your friend to think along the lines of a quiet C.L. site for facilities like water and chemical disposal, and the main thing being security. These sites can be as cheap as chips and parked up in lay byes is illegal. chas


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chas - 2007-05-19 1:11 PM


Hi StuartP- Iwould advise your friend to think along the lines of a quiet C.L. site for facilities like water and chemical disposal, and the main thing being security. These sites can be as cheap as chips and parked up in lay byes is illegal. chas


Although I agree about using a CL/CS, (as long as you do it enough to make the membership fees viable), I don't think 'parking' in a lay-by is illegal.

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chas - 2007-05-19 1:58 PM


Hi Dereck- I dont think "Parking" is the issue here, its parking up, which to my mind means staying there for a week or two which is illegal and gives motorhomers a bad name. chas


I assumed the poster was referring to 'overnight' parking and driving off to work etc. during the day.

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Sorry, i don't think i've been particularly clear. It is a second hand motorhome which he has just bought, partly to give himself somewhere to live whilst contracts are exchanged, partly to use as the rest of us do. He was assuming that he would use sites or cl's etc, but was asking me if i knew if it was legal to use lay-by's.


I had said that it was not generally accepted practice, but did not know about the legalities. I was thinking along the same lines as Chas, but thought i would ask the forum for advice.


He is currently living and working near Lancaster. Is anybody aware of bylaws affecting 'overnight parking' in the area?





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Guest JudgeMental

W2G >:-) :-D :-D :-D





do you think me a bit harsh?


its the stress of d gas and everyting mon! :-D


I will say this: lay-bys are a bit grim - the noise the risk of being burglarised and shunted up the back by an arctic lorry!

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JudgeMental - 2007-05-19 2:13 PM


He has a new 50k plus camper and is reluctant to pay for a site *-)


I can relate to that, although not quite 50k!! I've got no income 'til my pension in nine years. Sold some property to pay for my MH.

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Not at all.


I have one eye on the FA Cup, and another on this. I feel my written communication skills are taking a back seat today. As my wife regularly points out - i am clearly not capable of doing two things at once.


I am not 'brave' enough to 'wild camp' anywhere, and as such i am not aware of laws surrounding such things.


He, on the other hand would (and has) camped in some of the most bizarre places around the world. The rigidity of camp sites (including cl's) is something i think he was hoping to avoid rather than the cost.


I think he would probably rather pay site fees than feel the long arm of the law. I would rather visit him on site than behind bars!!



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He should be aware that if the layby opens from a public road it is technically part of the road, and laws relating to being in charge of a vehicle while under the influence etc are liable to apply equally while in the layby as to the carriageway.  On private land this would be different.
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I thought the whole point of owning a motorhome was to park up in laybys, picnic spots etc etc.


There is little appeal if I have to be herded into a campsite. (which we do use by choice now and again).


Been doing it for years without problems, will continue to do so.


(Mr, not Mrs, Sea)

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Guest JudgeMental
livewire - 2007-05-19 6:15 PM


JudgeMental - 2007-05-19 2:02 PM


and shunted up the back by an arctic lorry!


Would that be a refridgerated lorry or one from Iceland?


*-) *-) *-)


all right den - any blooming lorry...


why your faces work and not mine :-D ops!

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"He has a new 50k plus camper and is reluctant to pay for a site"


Too true!! If you wanted to use a site he would have bought a caravan!!


Seriously though if he is between houses (without any bridging loan) then its usefull to have an address and a friendly CL owner sounds about right under these circumstances.


We sometimes stop overnight in lay-by,s (huddled in between lots of hunky lorry drivers) but not normally on a semi-permanent basis, just en route.



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livewire - 2007-05-19 6:15 PM


JudgeMental - 2007-05-19 2:02 PM


and shunted up the back by an arctic lorry!


Would that be a refridgerated lorry or one from Iceland?


*-) *-) *-)


Contempt of Court - Incorrect spelling of Refrigerated


Off with his head.



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