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Help Find Madeleine

donna and daz

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Sorry if anybody has thought of this already but thought it would be a good idea for people to put the poster of madeleine in the back window of there vans if traveling into europe in the future.

As we go to places some pepole might not know about the story.

Thought this might be a another way helping in the search for Madeleine.

Many Thanks


Link to download the poster is below.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest peter
I really do hope they find her safe and well, but people should also consider all the other little tot's that go missing as well.
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I agree Peter.


The world is not the safe place some folk think it to be. Despite the publicity given to this case I have seen a lot of un attended kids this week end on a camp site we have been staying on. With parents who are quite oblivious to what their kids are doing or where they are. Remember that it is not just foreign places where you get weirdos - we have more than our fair share of the blighters here!


We live by the sea side and I can remember that even after the tragedy of the Sarah Payne story there were the same number of lost and missing kids being reported by holiday makers in the weeks that followed.


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John Keats - 2007-06-05 1:35 AM


Young and pretty fair haired children have been targeted by some gypsy type families in years past, just because they're pretty.


Its well known in the criminal world that males will steal pretty things for their females.


What bigotted inane rubbish!

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livewire - 2007-06-05 8:22 AM


John Keats - 2007-06-05 1:35 AM


Young and pretty fair haired children have been targeted by some gypsy type families in years past, just because they're pretty.


Its well known in the criminal world that males will steal pretty things for their females.


What bigotted inane rubbish!

Don't beat about the bush Livewire, say what you mean! >:-)



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I agree that their are other children apart from Madelaine BUT the big difference here is the FUSS they are kicking up! The people that stole Madelaine (and please God shie is unharmed but I doubt it). will not have expected this. They will have thought that it would be a few days publicity in Britain and that is it. The fact that it is now european wide and the publicity is still ongoing MIGHT make them not want to take a similar risk. Whatthey should do is publish the reward there is a lot of money there) and state frankly either return of Madelaine OR sadly information on what happened to her and conviction of the criminals who did this. Good old faishoned greed can do a lot.
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