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Lack of reverse gear Talbot Express

Guest Mike

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Guest Mike
I have a problem selecting reverse on our 1993 kontiki. This started when I drove to the Newbury show,after collecting it from the garage after a new clutch being fitted. I have taken it back to thbe garage twice they have greased and adjusted the clutch cable. (no difference) It goes in reverse allways when cold never when hot.When the selector rod is pushed down it goes in every time hot or cold.I have phoned dellfin many times and I have E Mailed them as well several times with no response is there other help out there? Many thanks Mike
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Guest Stuart
Mike, I used to have a very similar problem on a Ford car. I found that if I briefly engaged any forward gear and quickly moved it to reverse, then I could get it to engage. This is probably not the answer you are looking for but it may help until you can get a long term solution.
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Guest Mike
Hi Stuart Thanks for your promt reply, like you I had a Ford and I thought this would overcome the problem but alas it wont even go in Grrrrr. I did not mention the mileage 58000. I have had a thought has anyone changed the top of gearbox joints? I am leaving for France in acouple of weeks so you can understand my dilemma. Many Thanks
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Guest Derek Uzzell
I can't see why adjusting your 'van's clutch-cable should do anything for the quality of the gear-change unless it has been theorised that the replacement clutch might be 'dragging' when the motor warms up. If that were the case (and it ought to have been apparent if it were) and cable adjustment failed to stop it, then another clutch would be needed. Similarly, greasing the cable might make clutch operation easier but shouldn't affect gear-selection. In MMM November 2004 (page 215) Dave Newell wrote about occasional difficulties selecting reverse on his own Talbot Express and described the actions taken by Delfin Designs to improve matters. This involved replacing certain bushes and "adjusting the linkage and engine mounting positions (something of a black art but very important)". The complexity and potential for wear of the gear linkage on RHD Talbots has been regularly highlighted in MMM, as has the need for expert and subtle adjustment. I'm sure there was a letter once in "Interchange" explaining the adjustment principles and providing diagrams showing what to adjust and how it should be done. This would have been a good few years ago (though not pre-1996!) but, as I cull my MMM copies ruthlessly, there's no point in me trying to look for it. (Perhaps another forum reader can remember and locate the letter?) Your ability to select reverse when the motor's cold suggests (but doesn't prove) that nothing is actually broken in the linkage. Presumably, when everything beneath the bonnet gets hot, this heat produces enough mechanical movement to displace the 'reversing' part of the gear-linkage sufficiently to prevent selection. It sounds like you need an old-school mechanic with mechanical sympathy who is prepared to fiddle about with engine/gearbox mountings and linkage adjusters until the problem is cured. Not so many of these about nowadays. Or Delfin Designs - if you can get in touch with them.
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Your problem is simply down to gearchange linkage and engine mounting adjustment. To replace the clutch the nearside engine mountring has to be removed. On re-assembly it should be "spragged" that is to say pre-loaded by placing a large screw driver between the mounting and the gearbox and levering sideways as the bolts are finally tightened. As Derek says I had mine done by Delfin but it can be done by anyone with a bit of common sense, a large screwdriver and the right sized sockets. Some adjustment might be required to the lateral movement link (probably requires shortening by one or two turns) and the nylon cups in the ball and socket connections will probably be worn. If you would like to discuss this further you can phone me on 01952 587702 Dave Newell.
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Guest Mike Vandromme
Thanks to you all for your reponse to our plight I called into the Peugeot main dealer Olds in Dorchester in Dorset. I managed to speak to the service manager.The right guy as it turns out,he worked on the Talbot Express ambulance's for years. Well done to your knowledge all of you.This guy said (your problem is gearchange linkage and engine mounting.We also discussed drag on the clutch but it seems unlikly.As you can see the advice I recieved from you was so helpful. Although I could make the necessary adjustments as my Son and I built a Tiger kit car I will book the it back into the garage that did the clutch as they seem to be keen to rectify the problem. Many many thanks Mike Vandromme
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Guest Mike Vandromme
Hi Guys The Talbot Express saga hopefully is resolved I passed all the info and it seems to have worked Thank you all for all the help. Mike
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  • 1 month later...
Guest Mike Vandromme
Thanks to all. The Kontiki and wife and I have just returned from our test run. Reverse gear was fine as was everything else. The distance of the test was a superb 3000 miles. Regards Mike
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