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Ferry to Mallorca

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Hi all,


We have a 7.00m long x 3.00m high 'van and are looking to book a ferry from Barcelona to Mallorca this August. So far we haven't had much luck with internet bookings as the vehicle length / heights are restricted on the web booking pages.


Does anyone have any experience of this ferry crossing?


Thanks in advance.

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No personal experience, but I have been looking on a Spanish MH forum to see what they say.


The general opinion is the best/cheapest crossing is either Barcelona or Valencia to Palma with 'Iscomar'.


I've had a look at their website http://www.iscomar.com/


but you can't book for MHs!! But they do take them. Perhaps you'll have to 'phone them.


Have you tried http://www.aferry.co.uk/ ?

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Cheers for this, I've tried the usual aferry / cheapferries etc. .com type sites but the restrictions on length / height present the problem. I'll ring iscomar and also another provider I've since found, balearia.


Just hope my Spanish is up to it!!


In the meanwhile, if anyone has any experience of motorhoming on the island I'd be pleased to hear from you.

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Hi Steve- Have you any plans of where to stay on the island. I have toured the island over a number of years but in a hire car and think its terrain takes some beating. I have only ever seen one campsite and that is on the way towards Alcudia from the south/east. There are 100s of suitable spots which look ideal for an overnight stay, but I have never seen many motorhomes on the island, and of course some of the lovely quiet lanes and mountain roads may be very hard to get a motorhome through. The western mountain route seems impossible in places but tour coaches still use them,but be aware of them as they do think they own the roads and rarely give way, always expecting the cars to reverse up. Have a good one. chas
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Cheers Chas,


I've cycled the Island and love it but my wife has never been, hence the trip. One of the attractions is that, like you, I've noticed the lack of motorhomes over there. I couldn't ever remember spotting a campsite but this doesn't trouble us. We're happy to overnight discreetly, and I agree, there certainly seem to be hundreds of out-of-the-way spots. Thanks for the reminder regarding the roads, having only done the minor ones by bike I only have a fuzzy memory of width. I do remember though that some of the roads to the west coast villages are super-steep and only just wide enough for the bike! I'll be giving those a miss.

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