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Is there anyone who uses these people


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As some may have guessed I'm in the process of selling my motorhome. This morning had a call from a "finder"who told me of the huge number of people he had lined up with finance in place ready to buy my motorhome and he would send them round if I registered with him for £69.00. Now I may be a lot of things but a mug I 'aint, so I said if he cared to send them round I would gladly pay him his money if they purchased my motorhome(which I would). He then went into how they used to do this but were ripped off by Joe Public and he represented a large company (never mentioned any names). After a little while he realised that I wasn't going to fall for this one and hung up.Later this got me wondering as the title of this thread says Is there anyone who use the services of these "finders"?????
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Guest JudgeMental


If you advertise using sites like "autotrader" you will be inundated with calls from these types of tricksters.......

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Don't get me wrong Judge I was half expecting callls of this nature its just that I wondered if there was a slim chance that one of these "finders" might actually have some clients. Even so I still wouldn't pay them £69.00 up font
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The most annoying thing about this cold calling is when the phone rings and they ask if the van is for sale, it raises your hopes that you may have a customer, only to then find that its a call from these "tin hats" 8o|
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"Honest John" the Daily Telegraph's motoring correspondent regularly warns readers NEVER to pay any money to people who call offering such services. He reckons they are all rip-off merchants. The local broker I use to buy my cars says the same thing.


Suggest you see www.honestjohn.co.uk especially the "How To Buy and Sell Cars" and FAQ bits. There's an email query facility too.





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An after thought, a suggestion that has worked for me - if the callers are a pain put "No canvassers" in the ad and register on line with the TPS (Telephone Preference Service") to not get telemarketing calls - takes a while to take effect officially, but in the meantime just say sharply "Why are you committing a criminal offence by calling me when I am registered with the TPS? What's your name and the name of your company?" I find the line goes dead and they don't ring back.



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You should have made the bed properly before you took the pics - looks as if you've (both??) just rolled out of it! Or is that actually a clever psychological selling point, along the same lines as the car manufacturers who use models in bikinis?



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