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The gas attack forum seems to be degenerating into a "What the police do or don't do.


I have been asking friends, both of them, and there seems to be a great deal of difference in what people really expect our police forces to be doing on a dailly basis.


What do you think our police forces should be doing with their time and how do you suggest they could do it.


Take where I live for instance, this area had a really bad reputation and still does have to some extent. We very seldom see a police foot patrol, just police cars being driven through the area once a day sort of thing.

All down to a manpower shortage we are told, no officers available to do it, we had a murder here on last Staurday evening (stabbing) and now we have two officers patrolling the area every day.


Why AFTER the murder, do they think it may happen again, why patrol through the day when the murder took place in the late evening.


It may be that patrolls before the murder could have had the effect of preventing the murder but not only the murder, we suffer from a large number of youths on mini motorbikes thrashing around at night too.


What is going wrong and just how bad would the crime statistics have been if Blair hadn't "got tough on crime and the causes of crime" when he did

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Personally I'm bewildered by the way most of our public services are going.


Police: uniformed "real" officers tied up with paperwork, while streets are patrolled by CSO's with lesser powers/training, and our main roads are only covered by speed cameras, which can't deal with any other kind of dangerous driving. Why not recruit clerical support instead of CSO's, and let real PC's out on the streets and into cars? And why not let revenue from traffic fines be added to general police budgets, instead of only to install more cameras?


Education: an actual stated policy of putting less well-trained teaching assistants in charge of classes, to allow teachers more time to do things other than teaching!


Health: making nursing an "all-graduate" profession, then having a higher proportion of non-nurses doing the actual nursing. Not to mention the mother of all cock-ups they've made of the Junior Doctors' recruitment and the GP contracts. One of the health trusts here has appointed a Marketing Manager at a salary far higher than any nurse, because all OUR publicly-funded health trusts are supposed to compete with each other for "business."






PS Mod: should this thread be moved to "Chatterbox?"

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No it's not only you!


I was very relieved to retire from one of the above professions in 2002 when it had already become very clear to me the way that things were going.


Two overriding reasons for the degeneration (there are of course others):-


1. Political interference in these services

2. 'Accountability' - fine in principle but an emphasis on this has simply turned the members of these services into accountants to satisfy the 'system'.


Many of my colleagues saw these things coming - the public demanded them!







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I do not think more police officers on the beat will make much difference, for it to do so would require 1000s more, and be completly unafordable. Having had 2 police officers in the family I know that the adverage bobby is completly frustrated, and many think it is a waste of time trying to bring fellons to court. They still do their best but know that the punishment in general is weak and unrealistic to the offence, and while this remains this way it will only get worse. Its all been said before, but until corporal punishment is brought back for some crimes, and prison sentances brought in to reflect the crime and 10years for eg means just that, it will continue.


Of course many will shout we do not have enough prisons to cope and it does not work sending them there. I say stop giving our hard earned taxes to other countrys no matter how deserving it may be, and spend on building many more, and lock them away until they are too old to reoffend.


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Nobby - 2007-05-23 9:04 AM




No it's not only you!


I was very relieved to retire from one of the above professions in 2002 when it had already become very clear to me the way that things were going.


Two overriding reasons for the degeneration (there are of course others):-


1. Political interference in these services

2. 'Accountability' - fine in principle but an emphasis on this has simply turned the members of these services into accountants to satisfy the 'system'.


Many of my colleagues saw these things coming - the public demanded them!






Oh yes The public get's what the public wants!


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OK lets sort out prison overcrowding at a stroke.


All beds to be occupied for 8hrs per person (one bed therefore = 3 inmates).


When not in bed they must do hard labour to pay for 1) Their meals. 2) Their family who are probably getting social security whilst they are inside 3) With whats left over pay compensation to those they have injured / stolen from etc.


Now this would also be good training for their release as they would learn that you have to work for the things you want.


Now am I just being a touch right of Ghengis Khan or are others getting totally p****d off with political correctness. 'Cos from what I see it is getting to the stage that it is no longer PC to be PC

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I know 3 policemen locally who are thoroughly fed up with their jobs and are only staying to get a good pension!


In fact when I asked one of them how long he had to go his exact statement was '5 paydays and a week'!!! He also admitted he was just keeping his head down doing the least possible and also added that there were many more like him!!!!!


I had a £10,000.00p truck stolen from my yard it was seen leaving the yard and reported immediately, guess what it took 3 days for an officer to come to see me, and no contact since!!!!! Yet next day some 10 officers with a speed camera van and police bikes had set up a speed trap on a main road into Southampton!! Just shows where their priorities lie!


Rant over. Regards Pat



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"Now am I just being a touch right of Ghengis Khan or are others getting totally p****d off with political correctness. 'Cos from what I see it is getting to the stage that it is no longer PC to be PC"


My reply

No you're not, you want to see prisons in my homeland(Thailand).

Just one room that sleeps up to 10-12 people. You have to supply your own bedding which just lies on a bare concrete floor.

Those that were first put in the cell sleep at the top of the slightly tilting floor!! I'll leave to your imagination where the newest person has to sleep.

There is no slop bucket- just a channel in the floor.!!

During the day, they are all forced out to work, like the chain gangs in America. Only people that are not allowed out to work are the lifers.

Very few of these, as there is still the death sentence.


After serving at least 2 months of your term,then your visitors are allowed to send in food parcels, until then it's what you are given, basically "gruel" boiled rice, slops and vegetables.

Does teach them a lesson - prison is for criminals and you do away with you're luxuries you enjoyed in the outside world.


The famous one where a relation of mine used to work is known as "The Bangkok Hilton"!!!


My rant over with now!!



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Pat - 2007-05-23 10:53 PM


I know 3 policemen locally who are thoroughly fed up with their jobs and are only staying to get a good pension!


In fact when I asked one of them how long he had to go his exact statement was '5 paydays and a week'!!!


I had a £10,000.00p truck stolen from my yard it was seen leaving the yard and reported immediately, guess what it took 3 days for an officer to come to see me, and no contact since!!!!! Yet next day some 10 officers with a speed camera van and police bikes had set up a speed trap on a main road into Southampton!! Just shows where their priorities lie!


Pat its not their priorities IT THE GOVNERMENTS !.....

After all Police are Jack of all trades master of none



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Some years ago in my work I uncovered a fraud against the public that was taking place in Leeds. I estimated that about £100,000 was involved, I reported it to the police here in Sunderland "you will have to report it to the police in the area where the crime was committed" So off I went to Leeds, only 90 miles away, and reported it to them "You will have to report it to the police where you are based" "But" I said "you will have to report it to the police where you are based" . A bit hot under the collar I came back to Sunderland and reported the crime with my supporting evidence "you will have to report it to the police where the crime took place".


Well by now I'm seething so I took to reporting it by Telephone nearly every day only to be told the same thing again and again from both offices and after three months I gave up and the fraud continued for several months more until the fraudster retired on their hard earned loot.

No action was ever taken by anyone and the culprit got away scott free


Tough on crime and the causes of crime, huh, dont make me sick !!

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Fascinating post. Lots of people who feel powerless to change anything. Some views I agree with, some I don't.


BUT, like most of the population, you are under the impression that we live in a DEMOCRACY. We don't !!! For years, our so-called democracy has been no more democratic than that in Soviet Russia or Iran.


Every 4 or 5 years we can vote Labour or Tory for our local MP (sorry, no chance of the LibDems forming a government in the foreseeable future). They elect their own leader as PM - if we're lucky, we'll know who it is, but right now a new one has been 'appointed' without any wider democratic vote other than their own MPs. This PM has enormous power - he/she decides policy because he/she ensures their cronies get the key jobs and thus support him/her or lose the job. These policies get through parliament because our voting system ensures, 9 times out of 10, that the government party has a large enough majority. Those MPS WE voted for follow not their conscience or what they said they'd do, but the party whip. And no Minister these days resigns for minor things like incompetence.


The election manifestos have become almost meaningless as the parties, once elected, happily dump things they no longer want to do, and add major new things (I won't even mention the war in Iraq!) that take their fancy.


The USA is even worse. It puts itself forward as the natural home of democracy. But to become President now requires you to raise at least £200million. That costs lots of promises to businesses, factions, etc., who ensure, through their funding of the parties, that unsuitable candidates get nowhere fast.


Ah, well !!!

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Mel E


Quite right too.

I thought you got a chance to have a say when you live in a "Democracy"

What choice did we have in this new person becoming PM.


Whatever you political stance is, you may have a wasted vote - dependent on where you live.

i.e - a Tory vote in a Labour stronghold is a useless vote, and the reverse is also true.

Why oh why can't we have a P.R. system of voting. Therefore person or party with most votes must be the winner. *-)



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1) The very fact that a person wants to become a MP should be sufficient reason to disqualify them from ever becoming one


2) Lawyers should automatically be barred from becoming MPs


3) Any paryt making election promises and not keeping to those promises should automatically be fined £10 million pounds for every election promise not fulfilled


4) Any person who is the minister for any department of government that does not achiev their parties election promises should personally be liable to a fine not less than £1 million pounds for every election promise not fulfilled.


5) There should be NO expences allowances what-so-ever for members of parliament


A bit draconion you might think but I bet that would change the face of polotics in the UK overnight

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A local bobby summed it up quite succinctly for me, Modern Police are now no more that Evidence gatherers. Political correctness and "human rights" have removed all their abilities to sort out problems on a local level before they get out of control. And Police statistics are low because if they take any case on formerly the amount of paperwork involved is massive, so they try and talk complainants out of making "official" complaints.

Moral don,t live or play anywhere near large groups of people and you won,t get much trouble. Mind you modern mobility makes that difficult to achieve.


Planning to get quietly happy at the Midsommer Music anyway!


Rant over.






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