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Sun strips


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I want to put a sun strip across the top of my windscreen on my new van and


I have heard rumours that the MOT test are failing vans with sun strips.


Anyone know what the law is on this as some cars are made with sun strips as original equipment.[Vauxhall] and know one complains.

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It depends on what you mean by a sunstrip really. if it is just a coloured strip of see through plastic then it should not fail the test (although I know someone who had a motorcaravan club strip at the bottom of the windscreen and it was failed) unless it is very dark. If it is of the completely obscure plastic strip type then it will almost certainly fail an MOT as it is obscuring the drivers vision through a normally clear part of the windscreen. This is especially true if it covers an area of windscreen swept by the wipers.



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chas - 2007-05-26 3:31 PM


I think it will also fail the M.O.T if the coulored strip reads Wayne & Tracy. >:-) chas


So it should! Our Air Cadets once wanted to get me one that said "Padre's Passion Wagon" but Liz vetoed it!


Years ago I drove a Sherpa for a wholesale paperback firm, and had a strip which said "Tony's Book Truck."



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Had similar problem with low sunlight coming in via side windows, making driving uncomfprtable.

Solution was to use the coloured but tranparent thin film strips, self adhesive with wetting of glass being afixed to.

Easy to apply and remove for future occasions.

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Clive's plastic thing reminds me of when our local landlord bought a batch of cheap plastic garden furniture for the 'benefit' of his customers (you know what pub deals are like). Later, on a particularly hot day all the chairs went soft and wobbly - and the air turned blue!



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As an aside to this, can you buy strip wide enough for a MH?

Halfords etc. do them for cars but the screen on my van is quite wide so I need to buy a longer length.

It would be very useful to me as the manufacturers kindly fitted nice long visors of the type used in coaches. Great, apart form one small detail. They are so far forward that I have to stand up to reach them, try doing that whilst driving :-S



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It would seem that MOT testers whilst sticking by the letter of the law are not always allowed to use a common sense approach when it comes to the rules about anything obscurring the view.


We had our old 'van fail the test as it had a sat nav on the dash and the tester said that it encroached more than 40mm into the swept area of the screen. OK you might say but this was an "A" class 'van and whilst the sat nav was on the dash it was some 18" from the glass so from the drivers view was not obscuring any part of the glass - in fact, for it to obscure the glass, I would have had to kneel down between the front seats!!!


Jobs worth or what!

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