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Bogus Spanish Police


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Mel B - 2007-06-05 5:41 PM


Dave Newell - 2007-06-04 1:10 PM


I appreciate that these are isolated and relatively rare incidents but you're all doing an excellent job of convincing me to stick to UK touring! Having been introduced to the business end of a 9mm pistol by a French Gendarme in '85 I'm so glad that the majority of our police don't carry guns.




I'm intrigued Dave ... why did they point a gun at you? 8-)


Its a long story so I'll PM you with it rather than let this thread drift.



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Well OK, I'll try to abbreviate it, but don't blame me for this thread going off topic as it has nothing to do with bogus police.


Back in '85 I was driving a minibus back from Belgium on a Sunday evening. By the time we got to the Belgian French border just south of Veurne (sp?) I was the only sober person on board, many of them being paraplegic with drink by then. We were stopped at the French border control and the Gendarme asked the drunken passenger for the passports (everyone was supposed to hand their passport to the front passenger who would check all were present then stow them in the glovebox for just such an occasion). Anyway some berk hadn't handed his passport over and the Gendarme soon figured this out, 12 passports and thirteen bodies. So I was instructed to park on the grass verge with the keys and my hands on top of the dash which I dutifully did. The Gendarme then came round to the drivers side and introduced me to the business end of his 9mm automatic pistol. Eventually I persuaded him to show me the passports one at a time so I could establish whose was missing (no it wasn't mine), I then had to persuade some of the less p155ed occupants to find this fool's passport without upsetting this gentleman who was pointing a gun at me.


Thats about it, but the view of the 9mm hole in the end of that pistol will stay with me forever.



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A Spanish collegue has tranlated "Please overtake - I will follow you to the nearest Police Station. I have phoned the Police with your registration number" as:


“Pasarme – yo lo siguiere a la comisaría más cercana. He reportado vuestra matrícula a la guardia civil” (or “policía” will do just as well)



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Just got this back from the embassy. I think its a useful reply


Further to our correspondance today regarding bogus police officers, we have contacted the Guardia Civil this afternoon in order to request any further information they may have to add to the advice we offered this morning.


They have confirmed to us that in all traffic related matters, police officers will be in uniform The vehicles used will also be the official police marked vehicles. If the vehicle is not obviously identifiable, it may be the vehicle equipped with radar to measure and monitor speed. In this case, on closer inspection, the vehicle should display a sign with "Guardia Civil" (usually electronic) on the rear side and / or blue light(s).


In all non-related traffic matters, the police officers may be dressed in plain clothes (e.g.the Secret Police).


Furthermore, whether police officers are or are not dressed in uniform, members of the public have the right to request that the officer identify themselves.


If still in doubt and as another resort, you can also contact the Police Emergency services on 062, provide the vehicle registration number and enquire as to whether the vehicle is registered as an official police vehicle.


I trust this information is of assistance.


Best Regards


Jessica Martínez

Consular Officer

British Consulate-General


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I like the idea of the signs, but what if they do decide to take you to "the nearest Police Station", how do you know where they are taking you? It could be any where, somewhere more secluded to stop and rob you. Just a thought. I'd prefer to go somewhere well lit and busy, a petrol station or similar. (lol)
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