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Tales of the Unexpected

Vernon B

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Amongst today's threads several raise the recurring nightmares of poor build quality and indifferent customer service. It struck me that rather than continually ranting on about these problems we might be more successful in achieving change if we adopted a "positive" approach. Suppose we took some time to praise "exceptional service" and name the names. Hopefully, and if our Web Master would oblige by putting this thread as a header item, we might be able to compile a list of outstanding organisations that others might like to emulate.


My definition of "exceptional service" is something that goes beyond an acceptable level of service. Its something that surprises and delights you and makes you feel good about the world. It doesn't have to be a "big deal" it simply needs to be something that says "there you are sir/madam I really value your custom and I'll go the extra mile for you"


Of course I'd be happy to start the ball rolling, although I have to confess that I'm yet to experience an example of "exceptional service" from a motorhome dealer. My nomination is therefore (perhaps surprisingly for some people) a Fiat dealer - namely Platts of Longton Stoke on Trent.


Here's the story. On collecting my 'van after its annual service and MOT I did the customary look in the engine bay to check that the various fluids were at the right level, fresh oil had been put in the engine, and "things" had generally been put back in their place. To my amazement the engine had been carefully and thoroughly cleaned and in fact was in a more impressive state than when it was new!


Did I hear a "so what" out there? Well to me this is "exceptional service" because the dealer was under no obligation to do this and for all they know I might never have looked under the bonnet. What it says to me is that the chap who carried out the service really cared about that engine and he went the extra mile to do a good job. If he puts in that sort discretionary effort I know he will have been equally dilligent about completing the specified maintenance schedule and that's what I call exceptional service.


I rang Platts to let them know how pleased I was and was told that the job would have been carried out by Chris Stirzaker. Apparently this technician takes it on himself to clean the engine bay and what a star he must be. Maybe it would be good if Platts incorporated the work into their standard service but hey they haven't stopped Chris doing it and these days that too is worthy of credit.


Any more "tales of the unexpected" out there?


Vernon B







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Hiya Vernon


Had our Ducato based Lunar serviced at Platts of Longton last month & can confirm that the level of service you recieved is not a one off, i too was pleasantly surprised when i took a peek under the bonnet to check things out to see it had been cleaned.


I must confess however, i didn't ring to heap praise on them, maybe i should have, i would have been on the blower quick enough if i'd found something wrong.


It's little touches such as this that make parting company with your hard-earned wedge just a little less painful.



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Vernon B,


I strongly support your idea and that the mods make the thread prominant but I would like also to see a wider topic area covering purchase and servicing experience generally. As a newbie I found it very difficult when searching the net to distinguish between dealers based on the available comments from customers. I chose my make of van and dealer partly because they had a lot less brickbats and a few more positive comments on the net than many others.


As an auditor it is in my nature to assess, test and document everything (sad, yes, I know) and I will be doing just that from the moment I arrive to pick up the new van next month - armed with Brian Kirby's comprehensive checklist - and continuing for the whole of the warranty period.


I would publish relevant experiences, good or bad, in any forum available. If a large number of customers posted their experiences honestly and forthrightly on line then perhaps it would benefit the industry by raising standards which, based on the information on the net seem to be generally poor, bordering on abysmal.


Many customers part with shed to warehouse-sized loads of what little cash is left after Gordon Brown's rape and pillage of their pay packet so that should buy nothing less than excellence, every time.


It is of course probable that this has all been proposed before but potential liability may have put the mods off the idea!



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Hi Bob not sure what you mean by "a wider topic area .."


My thinking was for people to report "little gems" of exceptional service but these could be drawn from the entire ownership experience, including third party component or service suppliers. By keeping it simple I thought it might encourage a lot of contributions - but so far that's not been the case. Perhaps it's a little early or perhaps we've been that conditioned by poor service that we can no longer recongnise exceptional service when its out there.



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Hi Vernon,


I think your idea to post information on examples of exceptional service is a very good one and it is a useful thread on the forum. I would certainly contribute.


By referring to a need for a wider topic area, I mean the whole issue of motorhome manufacturer and dealer performance could perhaps be a forum header in its own right with threads for example, on sales, after-sales, service and warranty experiences included under the umbrella, but as I said, I suspect MMM might worry about companies suing them!


If such a forum was available I expect many prospective purchasers would find it essential reading and perhaps the manufacturers and dealers would take note and where necessary make improvements. They could always exercise a right of reply either to defend themselves or own up and repent.



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