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Medion gopal sat nav. Aldi £199


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Way2go and all users of this satnav?



1. Do I need to buy the 2gb card as the one with this product is 1gb. Synching maps from gopal assistant runs out of memory after only part of France covered.. Are these maps already on the system and what am I downloading? What am I doing when synchronising?


2. How do I enter co-ordinates? Can I download aires in France for this model from somewhere etc Camperstop doesn't seem to include this model. If you look at co-ordinates in the camperstop book how do I type them in? Does the "degree" symbol have to go in?


3. This model does not seem to be able to enter journey for anything other than car, bike , pedestrian. Can this be changed to hgv etc?


4. Should I buy a better aerial called an "external gps antenna" or is the one with it sufficient. Not had any TMC messages and need a simple lesson on this. Any ideas of good websites to teach me . Does the radio have to be on? Do I have to tune it into a TMC station all the time or listen to another station. Does it work if a cd is on?



Can use the satnav for its function and it warns us of all speed cameras and when we are braking the speed limit so can use it everyday now but want to know and prepare for Europe mainly France in 3 weeks time so that I don't miss out on anything.


Thanks in advance everyone. I am on a learning curve and struggle with terminology and understanding of new gadgets. I am not dull just not electronic and have loads to do at work so need simple instructions. I have no pre-knowledge of satnav abreviations and terminology.



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And another question please.



If I have to buy a bigger memory card can I get bigger than 2gb for medion and is it cheaper anywhere else as it is £29.99 in the medion internet shop?


Thanks for taking time to read and hope someone can enlighten me.



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Hi Chris,

I don't have time to answer your detailed questions at the moment as I'm already late for work :-(

I will however get back to you later on this morning.  In the meantime, I bought a couple of these 2GB SD cards a while ago and they work perfectly with my TomTom.  Nice and quick too.


Speak to you later :-)

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chris - 2007-06-27 7:38 AM


Way2go and all users of this satnav?



1. Do I need to buy the 2gb card as the one with this product is 1gb. Synching maps from gopal assistant runs out of memory after only part of France covered.. Are these maps already on the system and what am I downloading? What am I doing when synchronising?


Answer: as it says out of memory one would assume you do need a larger memory card.


2. How do I enter co-ordinates? Can I download aires in France for this model from somewhere etc Camperstop doesn't seem to include this model. If you look at co-ordinates in the camperstop book how do I type them in? Does the "degree" symbol have to go in?


Answer: Read the manual, its probably hidden away somewhere on the CD. Put the CD in your pc and go into "my computer". Right click on the CD drive icon and select "open". Browse through the CD directories till you find the english manual and open it. Probably best to print it out for easy reading and reference.


3. This model does not seem to be able to enter journey for anything other than car, bike , pedestrian. Can this be changed to hgv etc?


Answer: Same as answer 2 above.


4. Should I buy a better aerial called an "external gps antenna" or is the one with it sufficient. Not had any TMC messages and need a simple lesson on this. Any ideas of good websites to teach me . Does the radio have to be on? Do I have to tune it into a TMC station all the time or listen to another station. Does it work if a cd is on?


Answer: does it receive GPS signals well or does it drop connection frequently? If it holds the GPS (number of satellites) well then an external aerial will not be necessary.Unless you are connecting your Gopal to the radio then it will be completely separate from it and no you will not have to tune the radio to anything special, for more info in this read the manual.


Can use the satnav for its function and it warns us of all speed cameras and when we are braking the speed limit so can use it everyday now but want to know and prepare for Europe mainly France in 3 weeks time so that I don't miss out on anything.


Thanks in advance everyone. I am on a learning curve and struggle with terminology and understanding of new gadgets. I am not dull just not electronic and have loads to do at work so need simple instructions. I have no pre-knowledge of satnav abreviations and terminology.




Hope this helps a bit, D.

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To start with I'm not familiar with your particular model so my advice will be based upon TomTom but the general principles will be similar.

I fully support Dave with his "look in the manual" advice but if it helps I'll give you some additional pointers.

1. We've discussed additional cards earlier today but your device may have a maximum operating size - check in the manual.

In addition, "are these maps already on the system" if you can't find them I guess not?

I don't know why you are 'synchronising' - did it tell you to?  Do you mean you are adding new maps? Do they go into separate folders?  What maps are available? Are they all separate countries or do you have a 'Europe' map?

2. You may be able to enter co-ordinates by selecting Navigate to > (enter co-ordinates)?

You 'may' be able to download POIs and get them to work as long as you have them in a compatible format to your device.  TomTom uses .OV2.  No idea what your's uses but there is software around that will convert OV2 files into your chosen format.

Can't help with entering co-ordinates into your device - need to see an example in your manual.

3. Obviously you can only choose a car and carefully plan your route.  The Low Bridges POIs may be useful to you?

4. As Dave says, as long as you get a good signal you shouldn't have a problem after all, it is sat on the dashboard.

Can't help with TMC - never felt the need - but I think it feeds information into your SatNav via your compatible bluetoothed mobile phone.

One of the problems with getting a non-mainstream device is that the responses will be somewhat limited to people having the same device. Particularly on a non-SatNav forum.

For another £50 you could have got a TomTom ONE and had an on-line answer to virtually every question you'll ever have *-)

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Thanks Dave and Way2go. I will have time this weekend to play around with this device so hope to get further.

Way2go, that is a link that I have looked at and waiting for a response from them but they are not as quick to get there as this site is.


I will get there in the end and I will contact their website too but knew that I had some great help off here already.



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