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Genie Drawer - JH Caravans


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Has anyone any information on JH Caravans in the Cewsbyury area (Yorkshire) who make the Genie Drawer (similar to the Beeny Box from the pictures)

I found their website last week and sent them an e-mail, but have not had an answer and now their website appears to be down or removed.

Still have their e-mail address, but didn't take a note of their phone No.



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Hi Sylvia/ Brian


Than you for the telephone no. That is the same company, e-mail address is the same that I used.

I will give them a bell.



Unfortunately I did not take note of their address either, but thank you for your kind offer, which I would like to take up, if I may, when I have spoken to them.



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Hi flicka,


Would you mind posting your results of your contact, or not, with this company as I would be interested in their product but have not been able to find any information as their site no longer appears to exist.


Thanks Bas

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JH Caravan, Unit 11, Lowmills Trading Estate,Lowmills Lane,Ravensthorpe,Dewsbury. WF13 3LX tel: 01924.495436 We had one fitted to our van a few years ago, good quality workmanship. If I had a fiver for all the people who have seen ours and gone for one I would be rich!!
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Thanks Roger

Got it in one, but I think there may be difficulties .

I have sent e-mails to them with no reply and have tried telephone numerous times today. It's ringing out but no answer.

Their web site is no longer accessable.

Hopefully they may only be on holiday, but it currently is not looking promising.

Pity as their product appears to be very good and would save a long trek, going to Beenie Box in Devon.


The Beenie Box is the only alternative I have been able to find.

Does anyone know of any other(s). ?



Would it be possible for you to check the JH Caravan address, please.

They main business appeared to be Sheet Metalwork fabrications, with the Genie Drawer as a diverse interest, so the premises may have an alternative "JH" name than JH Caravan



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Hi flicka,


Beeny Box is actually further than Devon it is in Cornwall and well down into Cornwall at Cambourne.

I wanted to find out what the Genie Box is made from as I am told that it is galvanised steel in which case the loss of payload will be even greater than with the Beeny.



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Would it be possible for you to check the JH Caravan address, please.
They main business appeared to be Sheet Metalwork fabrications, with the Genie Drawer as a diverse interest, so the premises may have an alternative "JH" name than JH Caravan "

Flicka & All

Just got back from Dewsbury and this is the score:- J H Caravan is just a caravan storage company. There is a feloow called JIM who owns it and also a company called "1 - Off Sheet Metal Company. Contact N0:- 01924 495436" I think this is the company you are after

Suggest you contact "Jim", sorry but best I can do for you.


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One Off Sheet Metal is indeed the same organisation at the same address as in previous post.


Cant understand how you had problems as some friends of ours recently made arrangements for their van to have a Genie Box fitted and its going in either next week or the week after. A lot of companies are not the brightest at responding to emails - they will eventually get the message that people will spend their money elsewhere, regarding web sites if they are not upto date and regularly monitored they should be removed - maybe this has happened

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I found another company offering underfloor storage lockers. Wyvern Accessories in Shepton Mallet. Has anyone any experience of their lockers ?

Still trying to contact JH Caravans , suppose they could be on holiday.


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Hi Flicka,

I have spoken with J. H. Caravan today, as I have my van booked in for next week. They were on holiday last week.

You need to speak to Jim Hackling. He admits to not being very good with e-mail and is slow to answer them., better ringing.

They only do one draw a week. Hope you not in a hurry for it.

You need to take your van in on a Tuesday for measuring. Stop overnight at a local C.L. rear of a pub (they will book you in). Take your van back on the Wednesday for fitting.

Hope this is of some help.






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