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New Motorhome Checklist & Tips


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We are due to pick up a new Burstner MH soon has anyone got any tips or a checklist on what we need to check that may not be obvious under a normal inspection?


I will be checking all gas, electric appliances etc, water tanks etc, fit and finish of doors,panels, upholstery. Anything on the new Ducato to be aware of.


We are newbies to MH with limited knowledge from caravanning so all help and advice gratefully received



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I think your intentions are very sensible but it may be difficult for you to put the plan in to practice when presented with a brand new, showroom shiny van - lucky devil. I'll wager that once you've gone through the hand-over routines you'll want to get home and savour the moment, while the dealer will be keen to get his hands on the cash.


On a recent thread someone mentioned that a dealer invited customers to overnight and test things out before paying over their money. A very commendable approach but a rare one unfortunately.


My advice - especially if the dealer is some miles away - is to take the van off, as soon as possible, for a couple weeks near to the dealer and give it a good shake down. Use a checklist by all means but it's only exposing the 'van to proper usage that you'll discover any faults. Hopefully these will be few and far between and you'll be thrilled with the purchase.


Enjoy - Vernon









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That is good advice, but it is still worth pushing aside any sales pressures, clearing your mind, and just settling down to give the vehicle a thorough going over before parting with any cash and taking it away.  Before you start, ask whether all gas appliances have actually been tested on gas.  If not, insist they are.  Ask if the water system has been filled and tested for leaks, pump efficiency etc.  If not, ditto.  Ask if the electrical systems, 220V and 12V, have been checked and tested and ask if a 220V hook up can be provided while you go over the van.  You'll know with most people if they're flannelling when they reply.  If the sales guy doesn't know, ask to talk to the workshop foreman.  It's sometimes helpful to remind people what they said if you subsequently find faults they should have found.  A bit of moral pressure doesn't come amiss when trying to get faults sorted out!

You really need to go on a weekday, preferably not a Friday, and arrange the handover for say 10:00 am.  Things you find as you check should be noted, and the dealer advised of all defects, if possible before lunch, and asked to remedy them during the afternoon.  You should give the dealer a note of all the defects, keep one yourself, and press for a date by when all will be finished.  If they say they can't, volunteer to leave them the van until it is ready, and politely decline to pay for it until all is done.  If they need to obtain parts, make sure they have checked availability and delivery dates before you accept.  That's why you need to go on a weekday, wholesalers don't "do" Saturday afternoons.  If you do leave the van for things to be attended to, make sure you check that they are done when you go back.  Show your appreciation for their efforts, it'll take some of the sting out of their loss of face - and you may need their assistance again!

You must go mentally prepared to come away without the van.  In that frame of mind, you won't get pressured or flustered.  If you do leave it with them, first thing to do when you get home is to write confirming the defects, when they said they could rectify them, and asking that they let you know when all have been done.  Make clear your intention to take delivery of, and pay for, the van as soon as everything is right: you don't want to give the impression you are rejecting it, just that you are not accepting it bearing visible defects.

I would only add that reasonableness and comon sense also need to prevail.  If the defects are minor DIY niggles I'd sooner accept the vehicle and fix them myself.  I think they need to be things that would pretty much prevent use of the van, such as a missing Thetford tank cap that can't be replaced from stock, a broken window catch, a damaged door, a cracked shower tray or wall, or defects so numerous you just feel they're not trying. 

In the end, what you accept, and what you reject, will have to be your judgements.  Perfect is a philosophical concept, it never really exists: reasonable is the most difficult standard in the world to agree.  However, and above all, remember that once the cash is handed over you lose the biggest bargaining chip you'll ever have in terms of inspiring first class customer service.  Unlike kitchen staff, motorhome dealers can't spit on your dinner, either!

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Thanks for reply


Brian Kirby has kindly sent me an extremely comprehensive checklist which I feel has been borne from many years of motorhoming, my own effort fell well short of the experienced hand.


It will be difficult not to jump in and drive away, I am used to long and protracted handovers of capital equipment, so a checklist is very worthwhile as you can refer to it should anything require attention, it is a considerable investment of our hard earned so even if it makes the dealer apprehensive >:-) we will complete our checks.


The intention is to use the van as soon as we can to really check it out, we are only 45 miles away so not a major journey, so far the dealer has been very good and as a MMM prizewinner our choice has been vindicated by others with better knowledge than we possess.


Hopefully everything will be OK, I can hold my breadth quite long B-)



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I also have a copy of Brians list and it certainly is extremely thorough. But I think Brian would agree with me on this. Mentaly picture the motorhome that you are buying (brochures may help with this), then read down the list and make a few adjustments to suit the van you are buying. This will not only speed up your inspection as items will be listed in the right order and you will probably think of a few items to check that are not on the list. Items could possibly include extras that were ordered such as solar panels, sat nav etc. I know it sounds a bit OTT but as Brian rightly pointed out a little extra time on handover is far better than several trips back to the dealers to sort things out later
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I certainly agree with that.  I compiled the list in 2005 before we set off to collect our van in France.  I used exactly the procedure Mike describes, I just walked around it outside and inside in my head, and wrote down everything I could think of.  You don't necessarily need to tick every box, but it's a useful reminder for things you may otherwise forget to check.  Just to avoid that naggling little feeling there is something you forgot.  Add, subtract and re-order as you see fit.  It isn't password protected, and unless it is adapted to your own van and circumstances, it won't be much use!

Good luck to all who sail in her!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest JudgeMental

I used Brian's checklist in April when picking up new van.


It helps concentrate the mind and aid memory in a practical way


Furthermore, it helps to quell your excitement:-D with the big complicated shinny creation that you are expected to deal with within a few hours....


worked for me:-D


We also overnighted at dealer - a sensible idea

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JudgeMental - 2007-06-17 8:06 PM


I used Brian's checklist in April when picking up new van.


It helps concentrate the mind and aid memory in a practical way


Furthermore, it helps to quell your excitement:-D with the big complicated shinny creation that you are expected to deal with within a few hours....


worked for me:-D


We also overnighted at dealer - a sensible idea


Hi Judge :-D Overnighter is a good idea and one that I will try and sort out.

How do I get my grubby little mitt`s on Brians checklist though.. (lol)

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