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If the use of mobile phones by vehicle passengers is about to be banned?

Ought to be. On a bus other day, and several screaming adolescents on mobile phones caused so much disturbance that the driver flipped, and turned around to remonstrate, lost control of the bus and collided with another bus. Blamed the use of phones. So expect another change in the laws regarding their uses.

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I can't see the use of mobile phones by passengers being outlawed and frankly trying to use it as an excuse is ridiculous. If someone had an accident would they be able to claim their passenger talking to them as an excuse? No I don't think so. The responsibility is with the driver to maintain control at all times irrespective of what the passengers are doing. The bus driver should have pulled over before trying to deal with the situation.


Even if their use was banned altogether in vehicles who would police it? It is currently illegal to use a hand held mobile phone while driving but I see it every day, and I only travel 1.5 miles each way to work and back. The police just don't seem very interested. A few months ago on a TV programme about the police fighting crime they clearly showed an officer using a mobile phone, starting his patrol car and driving away without checking for other traffic and trying to fasten his seat belt, all at the same time!


Mobile phones are here to stay and I don't see much progress with stopping drivers using them let alone passengers.



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Hi, Dave


I totally agree with the main part of your reply and certainly can't see it being introduced, However, I do think that the driver may/could be made responsible for there use (mobiles) while people are in the car, Just as i think it is the drivers responsibility to ensure passengers are wearing seat belts ?? and its the driver who gets fined if they are not wearing them


Dave Newell - 2007-06-02 8:57 AM


I can't see the use of mobile phones by passengers being outlawed and frankly trying to use it as an excuse is ridiculous. If someone had an accident would they be able to claim their passenger talking to them as an excuse? No I don't think so. The responsibility is with the driver to maintain control at all times irrespective of what the passengers are doing. The bus driver should have pulled over before trying to deal with the situation.


Even if their use was banned altogether in vehicles who would police it? It is currently illegal to use a hand held mobile phone while driving but I see it every day, and I only travel 1.5 miles each way to work and back. The police just don't seem very interested. A few months ago on a TV programme about the police fighting crime they clearly showed an officer using a mobile phone, starting his patrol car and driving away without checking for other traffic and trying to fasten his seat belt, all at the same time!


Mobile phones are here to stay and I don't see much progress with stopping drivers using them let alone passengers.



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enodreven - 2007-06-04 10:34 AM


Hi, Dave


I totally agree with the main part of your reply and certainly can't see it being introduced, However, I do think that the driver may/could be made responsible for there use (mobiles) while people are in the car, Just as i think it is the drivers responsibility to ensure passengers are wearing seat belts ?? and its the driver who gets fined if they are not wearing them


As far as I was aware, the only responsibility the driver has is for his own seatbelt and any passengers under 14 yrs. Other passengers are responsible for their own actions. Unless the law has changed in the last 7 years and will be fined appropriately if seatbelts are fitted and not used.

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